How to run a successful private practice Module One - Offered by Become Psychology
11th January 2025

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How to run a successful private practice: all you need to know

Relevant for Clinical/Counselling Psychologists, and Psychotherapists/Counsellors.

£100. All participants will receive workshop handouts and information packs containing useful examples of therapy and supervision contracts, blogs, and marketing letters.

All previous participants rated the workshop as good or excellent, and rated their confidence in starting private practice as higher after attendance.

Maximum 6 participants. This is a fully interactive training session and you will able to work in pairs in breakout rooms during the day. See "How will the webinar work" below.

Setting up and running a successful private practice can be highly rewarding but it can be challenging. The workshop will help you:

1. Build a narrative of confidence as a therapist in private practice, and guide you towards helpful ways of relating to your work and self-management.

2. Understand and address the issues that you will face in setting up, developing and running a successful private practice including online working and the online therapeutic relationship.

3. Learn about the practicalities of marketing and how to incorporate an evidence-based approach to marketing (afternoon session allocated for this).

4. Know how to work ethically and safely, (including risk assessment).

5. Manage the demands on the self that come from working independently.

6. Nurture a stimulating workplace for yourself.

Whether you are considering starting private practice, or want to develop your existing private practice, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed for running a successful private practice i.e. obtaining work and making a living.

Participants are welcome to contact Robert Watson with any questions that arise after the workshop as he is always keen to hear how delegates have progressed with their private practice.

For more information and to book please visit:


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