Restoring Regenerating and Rewilding residential - offered by the WildCAT SIG
18th September 2025 to 21st September 2025

Restoring, Regenerating and Rewilding: A Collective Experience for Reconnecting with Land and Nature

With people's attention being increasingly directed to the implications of biodiversity loss and our need to find greener, bluer and more sustainable ways of living, there has been growing interest within the field of mental health on how we might begin to step outside of the clinic and start to work in the outdoors, connecting with nature, and inviting nature to become our co-therapist. And yet, although there may be the interest, practitioners and therapists are often hesitant as the suggestion of being "outside the therapy room" feels alien to them and their culture of practice. 

This residential event, aimed at those who work relationally or are CAT trained/informed aims to help explore the possibilities and opportunities that may arise through working outdoors and allowing us all the space to reconnect with nature. 

Abi, Amanda and Nick all have different journeys to finding themselves working in green and blue spaces, but are all connecting through their valuing of a relational approach and how this supports the scaffolding of their work when exploring our reciprocal relationship with nature, and how this might affect us - within, between and around. After the success of our first residential in the Scottish Highlands in 2023 we are thrilled to advertise our second WildCATS event in September 2025 (18th-21st) at Shining Cliffs Hostel in Derbyshire. We hope you will be able to join us as we consider how we might rewild ourselves - and rewild our practice.

WildCATS facilitators; Dr Abi Tarren-Jones (, Amanda Copeland ( and Nick Barnes (eco-CAMHS- RCPsych)

We would be delighted if you wished to join us and would ask that you drop us an email on to request more info



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