ACAT's Annual General Meeting
26th June 2015

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Notice of the ACAT Annual General Meeting 2015

Friday, 26 June 2015 from 16.00 to 17.00
in the Lecture Theatre, Lower Ground  Floor, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX
and Request for Nominations to the Board of Trustees

We hereby give notice that the ACAT Annual General Meeting 2015 will be held during the Annual ACAT Conference at 16.00 on Friday, 26th June, 2015 in the the Lecture Theatre, Lower Ground  Floor, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX – directions and map at:

It is required by our Memorandum and Articles of Association that at each AGM one third of our Trustees stand down (with the opportunity to stand for re-election if so wished).  ACAT currently has ten trustees and the following three will be standing down at the 2015 AGM:  Vicki Richer, Peter Owen and Ruth Carson.  Nominations are invited from voting members of ACAT (ie fully paid up Practitioners and Psychotherapists and also Life Members) for election to the Board of Trustees without office.  A nomination form can be downloaded by scrolling further down this page and must be received by the ACAT Office no later than 12.00 noon on Friday 22nd May, 2015.  ACAT welcomes nominations from lay people as well as members of ACAT.  There are up to two places on the Board open to lay people and the maximum number of Trustees on the Board is twelve.

The list of those nominated and therefore standing for election will be detailed in the AGM booklet of papers to be sent out to all members by post early June 2015.  This booklet will also contain agenda, annual reports, annual accounts etc.  If you cannot attend but wish to vote on the resolutions to be submitted to the AGM as well as those nominated to the Board of Trustees, a Voting by Proxy Form will also be sent out at that time.  Please note this booklet will also be available for download from the ACAT website from the end of May.  A Voting by Proxy Form is available for download by scrolling further down this page.

As mentioned, the AGM is being held during the 22nd Annual ACAT Conference held 26th to 27th June 2015.  The Conference this year is entitled “Keeping CAT Fit: Working with Embodiment in CAT Practice and New Integrations for CAT”.  For more information and booking go to the link at the top of the right hand side of the Home Page on the ACAT website: - we do hope to welcome you to both events.

The Trustees will again be available during the lunch break on the day of the AGM on an informal basis for members to discuss any issues or concerns they may have.  Please do come and find us if there are any issues you wish to raise (details will be given on the day).  The AGM is an important meeting with updates on the work undertaken over the previous year by various ACAT committees with opportunities for discussion and for you to put questions to the Executive and Trustees. 

If you have any questions about the AGM then please do not hesitate to contact the ACAT Office on 0844 800 9496 or email:  We look forward to warmly welcoming you to the 2015 AGM and 22nd Annual ACAT Conference in central London.

Jason Hepple – Chair of ACAT

Details and Booking Information

26th June 2015

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