ACAT's Annual General Meeting
24th June 2016

WARNING! This event has passed.

Notice of the ACAT Annual General Meeting 2016

Friday, 24 June 2016 from 15.50 to 16.50
Venue:  Forum Alumni Auditorium, Stocker Road, University of Exeter, Streatham Campus, Exeter EX4 4QR.


We hereby give notice that the ACAT Annual General Meeting 2016 will be held during the Annual ACAT Conference from 15.50 – 16.50 on Friday, 24 June, 2016 in the Forum Alumni Auditorium, Stocker Road, University of Exeter, Streatham Campus, Exeter EX4 4QR. 
Map and Directions: please see the University of Exeter website (please note you are looking for the Streatham Campus):

AGM Agenda and Papers

The AGM 2016 booklet containing agenda, papers  and Voting by Proxy form has now been sent out to members (early June).  A copy of this booklet is also downloadable from further down this page together with a Voting by Proxy Form.

The AGM is an important meeting with updates on the work undertaken over the previous year by various ACAT committees with opportunities for discussion and for you to put questions to the Executive and Trustees.  It is also the time when new trustees are elected to the ACAT Board.

Voting by Proxy

If you are unable to attend but wish to vote on the reports and resolutions detailed in the paper booklet, and on the nominations for Trustees (we have six nominations for Trustees without Office and four vacancies), then a Voting by Proxy form can be found to download from further down this page.  To vote you need to be a current full voting member of ACAT (a Psychotherapist, Practitioner/Therapist or Life Member). Please complete and return the form to reach the ACAT office by the closing date 9am on Monday, 20 June (address on the form).

Please note:  the closing date for the Voting by Proxy form is Monday, 20 June, 2016 at 9.00am

Meeting the Trustees Informally

The Trustees will be available again this year during the lunch break on the day of the AGM itself on an informal basis for members to discuss any issues or concerns they may have.  Please do come and find them if there are any issues you wish to raise (details of where will be given on the day).  

Timeline Leading up to the AGM 2016:

Monday, 25 April: Notice of AGM and Request for Nominations sent to members by email
  Notice of AGM and Request for Nominations on the ACAT Website
  Nomination Form available for download on this page
Wednesday, 25 May at 12.00 noon:    Closing date for receipt of nominations to the Board of Trustees
Early June: AGM Booklet sent out by post to members - voting by proxy form included and Voting by Proxy opens
  AGM booklet on ACAT website
  Voting by Proxy forms also on website for download
Monday, 20 June at 09.00:   Closing date for submission of Voting by Proxy forms
Friday, 24 June at 15.50:  Annual General Meeting

If you have any questions about the AGM then please do not hesitate to contact the ACAT Office on 01305 263511 or email:

We do hope you are able to join us at the AGM and also at the 23rd Annual ACAT Conference (23 to 25 June, 2016).   The Conference this year is entitled “CAT – Resilience in the Face of Change”.  For more information and booking please click here.  We do hope to welcome you to both events.  However, you are, of course, welcome to attend just the AGM (no charge) if you wish.

Jason Hepple – Chair of ACAT | Stephen White - Co. Sec and Treasurer of ACAT

Interim Arrangements for the consideration of resolutions to the ACAT AGM

The Board of Trustees and Council of Management members welcome members raising matters with the Board that they feel cannot be resolved by the normal decision making machinery of ACAT ( i.e. its committee structures).  Items that a member feels need to be drawn to the attention of the Board that they feel have either not been resolved by this process, or those that may require direct consultation with, or a survey of, members’ opinion, or consideration by the Board for inclusion on the agenda of the next AGM should be addressed to .

To allow for discussion at the three Board meetings a year, the approximate deadline dates for submission will be around the 20th of January, May and September (Board meetings are held roughly February, June and October each year).  However, the actual deadline date for each meeting depends on the meeting dates which will vary.  We will fully publicise the closing dates for each meeting each summer once the next year’s dates are set, by a news item on the website and also by email to members.  The January deadline is relevant to the annual AGM (dates vary).  This statement will be also be sent out to all members via e mail prior to each deadline to act as a reminder of this process and as an invitation to put items forward.

For 2016, the Board will consider such issues raised by the 18 March, 2016 as falling within the timescale for the 2016 AGM.  On this occasion, for the 2016 AGM, please email to:

Details and Booking Information

24th June 2016

Our Next ACAT AGMs

There are no ACAT AGMs listings at present.


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