ACAT's Training Courses and CPD Events - Ongoing Programme

ACAT runs a continuous programme of training courses and cpd events.

We have a website page which details all our training courses covering introductory two day courses for those interested in CAT and which provides a clear introduction to the principles and practice of Cognitive Analytic Therapy, together with skills training, practitioner training, psychotherapist training, supervisor training and our MSc programme.  Please click on this link to access:

From there you can access full details on all courses available.

A further website page details our CPD events, Conference information and details of special groups.  Our programme is now advertised for the Summer and Autumn 2011 and can be found on this link:

From this link you can access full details on all courses available including immediate online booking, booking forms and other details.

Any enquiries about cpd events and other courses please contact Frances Free at

Some practitioner trainings may still be accepting late applications (if they have available places) - please see

Published by ACAT Administrator on 2nd Sep 2010

Other Related News Stories from the Archives

Innovations in the Application CAT: Celebrating 10+ years of CAT North Practitioner Training : Friday, 13 June, 2008 : Conference in Manchester

Steve Potter - published

MSc | PGDip | Skills Certificate | Cognitive Analytic Therapy

ACAT Administrator - published 21st Jul 2008

Introducing the New-Look ACATonline

Jon Sloper - published 17th Jun 2007

Psychological Therapies in the NHS - 26 and 27 November 2009

ACAT Administrator - published 27th Jul 2009

Berkshire (Ascot) 2 Year Practitioner Training - Commencing 22 April 09 - Last remaining places

ACAT Administrator - published 2nd Mar 2009

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm


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