CAT Supervisor CPD and Supervisor Training: Module 4
16th March 2022

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Online Supervision. Not just a click of a button. 

What are the special insights that might be gained by the online aware CAT supervisor?


Cal Nield 

Wednesday 16th March 2022, 9.45am for 10am start – 1pm

Online (Zoom)

This interactive online workshop aims to highlight the special considerations  that ‘online supervision’ might present in terms of both the supervisory and the therapeutic dyad when the traditional dynamic has the third other that is the technology and consider this in CAT terms. There will be a generic focus on the practical, relational, and ethical issues that online supervision presents,  and a review of the early research of this new aspect of clinical practice. Some interesting questions for practice will be raised, suggestions made for supervisors to consider, and a framework within which the supervision group and supervisor to work safely considering the psychological processes that may be amplified in this domain. Attendees can expect to go away with deeper understanding of processes to watch out for plus some special insights to equip your supervisory practice.


  • What do we mean by online supervision? Definitions and terms.
  • What does the current research say about online supervision?
  • What are the implications for practice? Eg contracting, processes, trainees.
  • Ethical practical and relational matters. 
  • Break outs for discussion 
  • What are the special insights that might be gained by the online aware supervisor?


Reduced, introductory offer of £45 (ACAT member, online booking).

If you require an invoice to be raised please email with your completed booking form (see Event Documents below) with your purchase order.  The delegate rate for invoice bookings is £60.  Please note your purchase order is required with your booking form in order to process your booking; thank you.

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Details and Booking Information

16th March 2022

You can book this event online if you are registered or logged into this site. Click here to register or log in using the boxes at the top of this page.

Our Next 1 CAT Supervisor Training Courses

2nd January 2025
ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential


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