What can CAT do for the climate crisis? Offered by ICATA
20th October 2021

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What can Cognitive Analytic Therapy do for the climate crisis?, Online
20th October via zoom

An ICATA webinar 20th October 2021 8am - 10.30am (UK Time) on Zoom

Facilitated by: Rabhya Dewshi, Vivienne Hopkins, Reem Ramadan, Nick Barnes and Steve Potter

The climate and ecological emergency (CEE) poses a major threat to physical and mental health across the globe. It poses an unprecedented, existential threat to the survival of humanity and of civilised society. What are our responses, as individuals, therapists, and members of society? How can CAT help us to understand our relationships with the emergency, develop healthy engagement and resilience, for ourselves and others? In this workshop, we will share and map our experiences of climate concern, and the range of relationships we can have with it, from denial to activism. Participants will have opportunities to map and share their own relational experiences and to develop exits that can support ourselves, our organisations and broader society to address this existential threat to our planet.

To register for this event, please visit  https://www.internationalcat.org/event details/mapping the climate crisis

There will be a charge of £15.00 to attend this international event, and a zoom link will be sent out after registration. For further information please e mail Nick Barnes ejbsln@hotmail.com


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