7th International CAT Conference
20th September 2017 to 23rd September 2017

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7th International CAT Conference hosted by ACAT and ICATA
'New Frontiers in CAT Understanding and Practice'

Date:  Wednesday, 20th September to Saturday, 23rd September 2017
Venue:  University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus (Directions to Jubilee Campus)
Conference Hashtag:  #IntCAT17

Online booking has now closed

For booking enquiries, please telephone ACAT +44(0)1305 263511 or email maria.cross@acat.me.uk

The ACAT office will be closed from 5 pm on Monday, 18th September and will re-open at 9 am on Tuesday, 26th September. Please note that telephone messages left whilst the office is closed will not be picked up until after the conference.

Main Booking Options (further options lower on this page)
Whole Event Residential - ACAT Member £480 | Non-member of ACAT £510
Whole Event Non-Residential - ACAT Member £370 | Non-member of ACAT £400

Please scroll further down this page to find:
*** International CAT Conference Organising Group
*** Keynote and Plenary Speakers
*** Conference Programme (subject to change)
*** Booking Information
*** Terms and Conditions

Workshop and poster information Please click here

Keynote Theme
'Reformulation and Memory: The stories we tell in reconstructing the past'

Workshop Theme
'Working creatively with complexity'

The conference marks a collaboration between the International CAT Association (ICATA) and ACAT to bring together the CAT community from around the world in Nottingham, UK, in the autumn of 2017, to celebrate the legacy of Tony Ryle and continue the development of CAT theory and practice.  The conference programme aims to strike a balance between exciting keynote speakers from the worlds of science, philosophy and psychotherapy and a skills-based focus for workshops aimed at developing clinical expertise in those practising CAT. 

The conference will run from the afternoon of Wednesday 20th September until lunchtime on Saturday 23rd and will include an imaginative entertainment and cultural programme interspersed throughout the three days, including international cabaret, book launches, a gala conference dinner and tango lessons for beginners!

International CAT Conference 2017 Organising Group
Jason Hepple, Chair of ACAT, UK
Katri Kanninen, Chair of ICATA, Finland
Elizabeth McCormick, UK
Robert Watson, Vice Chair of ACAT, UK
Iannis Vlachos, Greece

Conference Administrator:  Maria Cross  - for information please contact Maria maria.cross@acat.me.uk  |  +44(0)1305 263511

Confirmed Keynote and Plenary Speakers (subject to change)

Prof. Nicola Clayton and Clive Wilkins
'The Creative Navigator's Compass: Exploring the subjective nature of perception and memory' 

Prof. Nicola Clayton PhD, FRS, FSB, FAPS, is Professor of Comparative Cognition at the University of Cambridge, Scientist in Residence at Rambert Dance Company, a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where she is Director of Studies in Psychology, and a Fellow of the Royal Society since 2010. 

Clive Wilkins has worked as a fine art painter and has exhibited widely, including at the National Portrait Gallery, London on several occasions. He is a performer and magician and is particularly interested in the nature of illusion and the psychology of perception and the chosen ways we adopt to make sense of a strange world.

Prof. Richard Lane
'Memory Reconsolidation, Emotional Arousal and the Process of Change in Psychotherapy: New Insights from Brain Science' 

Prof. Richard Lane is Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Arizona.  Prof. Lane's core academic interest is in understanding the psychology and neurobiology of emotional awareness and the mechanisms by which emotion contributes to physical and mental health.

Prof. Mikael Leiman 
'Reformulation and referential networks'

Prof. Leiman PhD, Professor (Emer) University of Eastern Finland, has been one of the leading contributors to the development of CAT theory and practice alongside Dr Tony Ryle.

Dr Paul Sullivan
'Response to Prof Leiman from a Bakhtinian perspective'

Dr Paul Sullivan BA, HDip (Education), PHD, is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Bradford.  He has a specialist interest in dialogical psychology and its applications to qualitative analysis and a wider interest in the interface between moral philosophy and psychology.

Dr Jason Hepple 
'A relational model of the psyche'

Dr Jason Hepple MA (Oxon), FRCPsych, is a CAT Psychotherapist and Trainer and Chair of ACAT.  He works in Somerset in the UK.  He has developed CAT as a model for working in groups and is interested in exploring the dialogic depths of CAT in theory and practice.

Dr Caroline Dower
'Moving Memories:  The use of movement interventions to facilitate the development of agency and procedural change' 

Dr Caroline Dower is Head of the Durham University Counselling Service and a former Consultant Psychotherapist in physical health. Caroline is an Integrative and CAT Psychotherapist, with further trainings in Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy in New York.

Debby Pickvance, Annie Nehmad and Jessie Emilion
'CAT Supervision: new ideas, new practice'

Debby Pickvance is a CAT psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer, and the editor of 'Cognitive Analytic Supervision: A relational approach'.  She worked for many years in a range of NHS settings and now does therapy in the Catalyse Sheffield group practice, supervises, moderates some ACAT training courses, and is a trainer on the CAT North/Catalyse Practitioner course.

Annie Nehmad, a founder member of ACAT, was Clinical Lead for CAT in an inner London NHS secondary care psychotherapy department until 2013.  She now works in private practice as therapist, supervisor, and trainer.  Her special interests include the process of supervision, eliciting the healthy self to aid the work of therapy, and continuing the Rylian quest for the integration of the psychotherapies, within a scientific and intersubjective framework.

Jessie Emilion is a BACP accredited Counsellor and UKCP registered Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist and Supervisor and is currently employed by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust as a CAT Psychotherapy Lead at the Munro Centre, Guys Hospital.  She has a particular interest in bi-lingualism, culture, language and race, and the impact of these factors on mental health, development of self and therapeutic alliance.  She teaches on the CAT programmes in the UK, India and in Qatar.  She is central to the Introduction of CAT in India and has developed the model further by incorporating religious, cultural, and societal values, making it adaptive, appropriate, and relevant to the Indian Society and the Indian Psyche. 

ICATA Plenary
'National histories, identities and colours of CAT'

Marie-Anne Bernardy, Andrew Chanen and Steve Potter
Three thirty minute presentations looking at the future range of theory and practice in CAT:
'If I work with the mother will the child get better?' Marie-Anne Bernardy is a psychologist and psychotherapist in Paris working with children and families.  She trained in CAT in the UK.  Marie-Anne will take her argument further that if you work with the parent the child will get better.  In this way she will theorise, with examples, how trauma is transfered and carried in the relational space between mother and child.
'Comparing three forms of early intervention for youth with borderline personality disorder (the MOBY study)'  Professor Andrew Chanen is Deputy Director, Research and Head, Personality Disorder Research at Orygen in Melbourne.  Andrew will present for half an hour on the development of the second research trial and the difference between relational casework and CAT.
'Reciprocal roles - mapping the mother of all ideas'  Steve Potter is a psychotherapist based in London and focuses on the process of mapping as a co-creative therapeutic relational activity that gets us alongside the roots of our beliefs and patterns of interaction.  He will present for half an hour on an entertaining and forward-looking review of the reciprocal role concept and show it is at the heart of the future development of CAT whether in the field of psychoanalysis, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology or identity theory.  Steve will use maps of vignette examples to show how versatile the Reciprocal Role idea is and how much it touches the core of our emotional development, eg 'mother of all ideas'.

Stephen Kellett, Kate Freshwater, Katie Ackroyd, Adam Freear, and Jayne Finch 
Research Presentation - ‘CAT Consultancy – what works for whom’

Stephen Kellett is a CAT psychotherapist living and working in Sheffield.  He has a split post between the University as a Programme Director and the local NHS Trust as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the Specialist Psychotherapy Service.    

Kate Freshwater is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and is the Lead for CAT in TEWV NHS Foundation Trust (mental health and learning disabilities) in the north east of England. TEWV has a network of 49 CAT practitioners and trainee practitioners.

Katie Ackroyd is a Clinical Psychologist and CAT practitioner working in Rotherham in a Community Mental Health Team.  She works predominantly with individuals with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder and moderate to severe mental health problems offering both individual therapy and a Consultancy role to the teams.

Adam Freear is a Research Assistant working for the CAT Service within TEWV NHS Foundation Trust.

Jayne Finch is a Clinical Psychologist and CAT Practitioner working in an Affective Disorders Team within TEWV NHS Foundation Trust.   

The theme of the conference workshops this year is 'Working Creatively with Complexity: CAT theory and practice'. Workshops will focus on the application of CAT tools and skills to working with complexity, with an emphasis on theory practice links, skills learning, and therapist self-care, particularly when therapists find it hard to help.  They will be organised around three streams:
* The therapeutic relationship: working with, and resolving, impasses and ruptures in the therapeutic relationship
* Creative ways of working in CAT
* Nurturing self-care as a therapist

Call for Papers has now closed.

Delegate booking for workshops now open.  Please note, it will be possible to book into your chosen workshop(s) only once booked to attend the Conference.
Please refer to the Programme below for workshop listing - full details may be found by following this link:  Please click here

Provisional Programme (updated as items are confirmed - subject to change)

Wednesday 20th September
(Delegate registration from 13:00)
14:00 - 16:00  Equality and Diversity Forum - please refer to the document available for download at the end of this page

14:00 - 16:00  Workshops 
1  Steve Potter, Rabhya Dewshi, Lee Crothers, Marie-Anne Bernardy, Lucy Cutler and Ivona Amleh - ‘Innovations in writing the reformulation letter:  Side by side, off the map, bit by bit, from a template’ 
2  Louise McCutcheon and Emma Burke - ‘Applying a developmental perspective to CAT with complex problems in young people’

16:00 - 16:30  Refreshments
16:30 - 16:45  Conference Welcome ~ Katri Kanninen (Chair of ICATA) and Jason Hepple (Chair of ACAT)
16:45 - 18:15  Opening Plenary Session ~ 'ICATA:  National histories, identities and colours of CAT' ~ each CAT country will give a short presentation (Chairs: Katri Kanninen and Jason Hepple)
18:15 - 18:30  Culture Shot ~ Lucas Marks (Mark Evans), featuring Jason Hepple (UK)
(Day One of Conference closes at 18:30)
19.30               Dinner

Thursday 21st September
(Registration from 08:00 for new delegates only)
07:15 - 08:00  Early morning chanting meditation with Jason Hepple
09:00 - 09:30  Welcome to day and Culture Shots ~ 'A view of Greece', Iannis Vlachos (Greece) and 'Hindustani - The land of spices', Jessie Emilion and Ann Treesa (India)
09:30 - 10:45  Keynote Speaker:  Prof. Mikael Leiman ~ 'Reformulation and referential networks' (Chair: Ian Kerr)
Abstract:  A long-standing theoretical problem in CAT is the relationship of sign-mediation to the concepts of reciprocal roles and procedural sequences.  My earlier (1996) attempt to reconcile roles and procedures by the idea of dialogical sequences did not solve the problem of signs as mediators of our mental activity. The problem can be located in the dialogic, or Bakhtinian, understanding of signs.  I will present my current understanding of signs as referential networks.  The implications of the new conception range from understanding very early development to issues of attention, memory, and the relationship between cognitive and emotional processes.
10:45 - 11:15  Refreshments
11:15 - 12:20  Plenary Speaker:  Dr Jason Hepple ~ 'A relational model of the psyche' (Chair: Ian Kerr)
Abstract:  CAT has evolved into a relational psychotherapy where the dialogic self is an un-finalised work in progress that is co-created through its inter-psychic activity. ‘We interact and communicate therefore I become,’ as Tony Ryle said.  Jason will seek to address the following questions arising from this: How does a dialogic self relate to the topographical models of the psyche from psychoanalysis? What is CAT’s understanding of conscious and unconscious process? How does dialogism relate to advances in neurobiology and trauma? Where is mindfulness and ‘inner peace’ to be found relationally?

12:20 - 12:30  Culture Shot ~ 'Cathode - A few minutes of electronic music for dreaming, feeling, experiencing', performed by Steve Jefferis
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch - Posters on display and opportunity to meet the poster authors (For details of authors and titles:  Please click here

13.30 - 15:00  Workshops
1   Liz Fawkes & Dawn Bennett - 'A glimpse into 40 sessions: Use of self and challenges to the therapist’s sense of self in working with powerful enactments with clients who have had a raw deal in life’‘
2   Deirdre Haslam - ‘Working with, and resolving impasses and ruptures in the therapeutic relationship’
3   Esther Gimeno - ‘Threats of therapeutic rupture:  The “Ghosts” of the therapist’
4   Vikki Ryall - 'A pragmatic approach to including families in CAT therapy using the SSFC model’
5   Alison Jenaway & Carol Gregory - ‘Let’s get physical – getting physical symptoms on the CAT diagram’
6   Vicky Petratou - ‘Feeling stuck in a powerless, ‘victim’-like self-state, how can creative CAT help with embracing the pain and exploring more dialogically useful ways of interacting?’
7   Nicola Crook - ‘Landing in another country with CAT:  Use of the model in nurturing self-care’ || Matti Kurronen - 'TRE (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) for Psychotherapists and Clients' (NB two workshops will be presented within this one session)
8  Tim Sheard - ‘How do we relate to our bodies in CAT:  Positively included, taken for granted or thrown to the dogs?’

15:00 - 15:30  Refreshments
15:30 - 16:30  Plenary Speaker:  Dr Paul Sullivan ~ 'Response to Prof Leiman from a Bakhtinian perspective' (Chair: Liz Fawkes)
16:30 - 17:20  Research Presentation:  Steve KellettKate Freshwater, Katie Ackroyd, Adam Freear, and Jayne Finch ~ 'CAT Consultancy - what works for whom' (Chair: Liz Fawkes) Despite the methods of CAT consultancy being spelt out and also an increase in the approach being evident across Trusts in the UK, the evidence base for the approach remains limited.  A collaboration has sprung up between South Yorkshire and the Teeside regions of the UK to jointly develop evaluation programmes of the CAT consultancy provided in Secondary Care within CMHTs.  This presentation will present the mixed methods evaluations of CAT consultancy in Teeside (Kate Freshwater, Jayne Finch and Adam Freear) and in Rotherham (Katie Ackroyd, Jeetender Ghag and Stephen Kellett).  The Teeside data includes pre-post outcomes measures across staff and patients with associated qualitative interviewing.  The Rotherham data includes a mixed method case series across staff and patients.  The results will be combined and discussed and tips on best practice with regards to CAT consultancy shared. 
17:20 - 17:30  Culture Shot ~ 'Song without words', Stella Compton Dickinson (Oboe) and Jason Hepple (violin) (UK)
17:30 - 17:40  Culture Shot ~ 'A Song', Rosemary Parkinson and Nicola Rogal (UK)
(Day Two of Conference closes at 17:40)
18:30 - 19:30  Book Launch and Drinks Reception, with raffle (prize offered by SAGE -  £75 worth of SAGE books):  'Change for the Better' (Fifth Edition), SAGE, Elizabeth McCormick and 'Cognitive Analytic Supervision: A Relational Approach', Routledge, Deborah Pickvance 

19:30               Dinner and Entertainment:  International Cabaret ~ each country will provide a programme

Friday 22nd September
(Registration from 08:00 for new delegates only)
07:15 - 08:00  Early morning Mindfulness with Liz McCormick 
08:50 - 09:15  Welcome to day and Culture Shot ~ 'Poetry', Liz McCormick (UK), Louise McCutcheon and Reem Ramadan (Australia)
09:15 - 10:30  Keynote speaker:  Prof. Richard Lane ~ 'Memory Reconsolidation, Emotional Arousal and the Process of Change in Psychotherapy:  New Insights from Brain Science' (Chair: Jason Hepple)
Abstract:  The thesis of this talk is that enduring change in all major psychotherapy modalities, including behavioural therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, emotion-focused and psychodynamic psychotherapy, results from the updating of prior emotional memories through a process of reconsolidation that incorporates new emotional experiences. An integrative memory model with three interactive components – autobiographical (event) memories, semantic structures, and emotional responses - will be presented supported by emerging evidence from cognitive neuroscience on implicit and explicit emotion, implicit and explicit memory, emotion-memory interactions, memory reconsolidation, and the relationship between autobiographical and semantic memory. The proposed essential ingredients of therapeutic change include:  1) reactivating old memories; 2) engaging in new emotional experiences that are incorporated into these reactivated memories via the process of reconsolidation; and 3) reinforcing the integrative memory structure by practicing a new way of behaving and experiencing the world in a variety of contexts.
Implications of this new neurobiologically-grounded synthesis for research, clinical practice and teaching will be discussed.  
Objectives:  At the conclusion of this presentation audience members will be able to 1) describe the integrated memory model consisting of concurrent activation and interaction between emotional arousal, episodic memory and semantic structures; 2) discuss how behavioural, cognitive-behavioural, emotion-focused and psychodynamic psychotherapies access the integrated memory model from different entry points; 3) explain how emotional arousal and memory reconsolidation are necessary ingredients of change in all major forms of psychotherapy; 4) describe how the “working through” process consists of the conversion of episodic memories into semantic structures. 

10:30 - 11:00  Refreshments
11:00 - 12:00  Keynote speakers:  Prof. Nicola Clayton FRS and Clive Wilkins ~ 'The Creative Navigator's Compass:  Exploring the subjective nature of perception and memory' (Chair: Jason Hepple)
Abstract:  If we could tell you where you were going and how you could get there, would you want to know?
Imagine a crystal ball that could anticipate the future:  Would you gaze into it, and if you did, what do you think you would see - your personal future, the futures of your loved ones, or other aspects of life and society?  How does the direction of thought affect perception and choices of where to go next?  In planning for the future, it is all too easy to make the assumption that what we imagine and remember will accurately reflect reality.  Many of our greatest deceptions evolve out of such a faulty supposition.
The chances are that if there were such a crystal ball, we would be unlikely to make sense of what it revealed.  Both perception and memory shimmer and change, and can be altered by our current point of view and state of mind. Alternative realities are constrained by our inability to perceive all that can be seen.  Memories are not an accurate repository of what has happened, and thoughts of the future are often inaccurate and ill conceived, due to the subjective nature of perception and memory.
Nicky and Clive, a scientist and artist respectively, explore the complex relationships between memory, perception and human experience.  Join them for a fascinating interactive presentation that incorporates science, literature, and the performing arts.

12:00 - 12:30  Panel Discussion
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch - Posters on display and announcement of Poster Prize

13:30 - 15:00  Workshops
1   Jay Dudley - ‘Bridging the relational space - towards a new beginning’
Ann Treesa Rafi - ‘Cognitive Analytic Therapy for the wise old ‘Dadaji’* in India’ || Eleftheria Zampouridou - 'Recovering from substance abuse:  The CAT effectiveness of Building Relapse Prevention and Life Skills' || Päivi Räisänen - 'Applying CAT to a father of three with substance and sexual addiction problems' (NB three workshops will be presented within this one session)
Eeva Joki - ‘The power and dark shadows of leaders’ || Rita Toli - 'Applying CAT in a Greek primary school' (NB two workshops will be presented within this one session)
Louise Elwell - ’Reformulating Emptiness: how may we work actively with states of emptiness, desolation and boredom?’
5   Kerry Manson, Marisol Cavieres & Sunil Lad - ‘Developing a CAT understanding of Anti-social Personality Disorder (ASPD):  Eliciting key reciprocal roles’
6   Jennifer O’Brien & Fritha Melville - ‘Using experiential and creative approaches to contextualise workplace stress and support self-care practices for helping professions’
7   Paul Johanson & Sara Casado - ‘Loving the unlovable:  CAT, compassion and working with people who commit sexual crime’

With apologies, please note that Christina Hardy's workshop has been withdrawn: Envy: Green-eyed Monster or Desire for Equality.  If you have booked to attend this workshop, it will be possible to change your choice via your personal home page as before.

15:00 - 15:30  Refreshments
15:30 - 16:45  Plenary Speaker:  Dr Caroline Dower ~ 'Moving Memories:  The use of movement interventions to facilitate the development of agency and procedural change' (Chair: Tim Sheard)
Abstract:  Caroline will explore the kinetic and kinaesthetic aspects of memory.  The relational dance of the bodies of the therapist and client reflect relational history as it is lived in the present moment. Bringing awareness to the movement patterns within a talking therapy contributes to reflective capacity and development of our self-agency.  Clinical vignettes will demonstrate the role for movement as a bridge from procedural to semantic memory, and as a playground for the emergence of new relational choices.
16:45 - 16:55 Culture shot ~ 'The voices of Spain through music', Esther Gimeno (Spain)
17:00 - 18:00  ACAT Annual General Meeting
(Day Three of Conference closes at 18:00)
19:00 - 19:30  Pre-dinner drinks 
19:30 - 21:00  Gala Dinner 
21:00 'til late  Introduction to the 8-step tango for beginners with demonstration (Nicola Clayton and Clive Wilkins) and live music from 'Lucas Marks and the Glorious Unknown'

Saturday 23rd September
(Registration from 08:30 for new delegates only)
09:00 - 09:15  Welcome to day and Culture Shot ~ 'Portraits', Carol Gregory and Alison Jenaway (UK)
09:15 - 10:45  Plenary Speakers:  Debby Pickvance, Annie Nehmad and Jessie Emilion ~ ‘CAT Supervision: new ideas, new practice’ (Chair: Yvonne Stevens)
Abstract:  Though supervision has always firmly underpinned CAT therapy, it has not been widely discussed within the CAT community.  This session draws on new ideas contained in the multi-voiced book, 'Cognitive Analytic Supervision' (2017, Routledge).  It consists of three presentations followed by small group work.  Each will offer new perspectives on CAT supervision, useful and relevant for supervisors and supervisees alike.
Debby Pickvance:  'How relational is our supervision?' - This presentation will propose a relational model of CAT supervision, built on open, interactive, mutual, intersubjective relationships between supervisor, supervisee and supervision group.  It will advocate a proactive approach to building the supervisory alliance, establishing a relational supervision contract, addressing enactments within the supervisory relationship, and making use of the self by supervisor, supervisee, and supervision group members.
Annie Nehmad:  'The Healthy Supervisor' - The qualities, skills and activity of an effective (healthy) supervisor are considered in CAT terms, as well as drawing on Hawkins and Shohet’s Seven Eyed Model of Supervision, John Heron’s analysis of interventions, and Daniel Siegel’s Inter Personal Neurobiology (IPNB).  In addition to being competent and knowledgeable, the Healthy Supervisor needs to be well-integrated in the moment, so that s/he can offer real “presence”, i.e. awareness and receptivity.  Supervision offers ‘scaffolding’ not only for inexperienced therapists, but also for experienced ones who may have become temporarily poorly integrated (usually due to 'recruitment’ by the patient into a split-off state).
Jessie Emilion:  '“In our Culture”- a dialogic procedure in supervision' - Culture, Race, Language, and Religion play a key part in the development of self, personality, and identity.  Race and racism often create a sense of alienation and exclusion in individuals and in minority communities. Language, as central to communication plays a crucial part in the expression of distress, and but also in the integration, positioning and acculturation of the individual in society.  For many people not being able to speak the language of the host culture compounds the sense of alienation, loss, and displacement. Religion in its varied roles, is another key element when working across cultures and communities.  Working across cultures, inter-culturally be it in therapy or supervision can be quite challenging even for most experienced clinicians and supervisors. What if I get it wrong?  Will I be labelled a racist, a troublemaker with attitude or just as an incompetent clinician?  These are some of the fears in every clinician’s mind.  
The presentation will highlight some of the key themes that have emerged from CAT training in India.  It will offer some pointers as to how the supervisees and supervisors could address difference and diversity in a sensitive, professional, and ethical manner in their clinical work.  CAT concepts will be used to discuss the power dynamics and intergenerational positioning, on an inter-personal, intra-personal, and societal level.
The presentation will be followed by a group exercise facilitated by Hilary Brown.  Through fun and play there will be an opportunity to recognise and name the power dynamics and positioning in the interactions.

10:45 - 11:15  Refreshments
11:15 - 12:45  Plenary Speakers:  Marie-Anne Bernardy, Andrew Chanen and Steve Potter ~ Three thirty minute presentations looking at the future range of theory and practice in CAT ~ 'If I work with the mother will the child get better?' Marie-Anne Bernardy; 'Comparing three forms of early intervention for youth with borderline personality disorder (the MOBY study)' Professor Andrew Chanen; 'Reciprocal roles-mapping the mother of all ideas' Steve Potter (Chair: Katri Kanninen)
12:45 - 13:00  Culture shot ~ 'Closing Improvisation', Helena Lonnfors ~ and close of Conference

Conference ends at 13:00


Applications have now closed.

Booking Options

We are offering three booking options:
1. Whole event - residential
2. Whole event - non-residential
3. Individual items

1. Whole Event Residential:  ACAT Member £480 | Non-member £510
(Included: full conference programme from 14:00 Wednesday to 13:00 Saturday; 3 nights' B&B on campus; all meals and refreshments, including Gala Dinner and Drinks Reception on Friday)

2. Whole Event Non-Residential:  ACAT Member £370 | Non-member £400 
(Included: full conference programme - 14:00 to 18:30 Wednesday; 09:15 to 17:30 Thursday; 09:00 to 18:00 Friday; 09:00 to 13:00 Saturday.  Lunches and day-time refreshments are included but not evening meals or Friday's Gala Dinner and Drinks Reception)

3. Individual Items - if not attending the whole conference:
* Attendance on either Wednesday afternoon (14:00 - 18:30) or Saturday morning (09:00 - 13:00) - ACAT Member £95 | Non-member £110
* Attendance on either Thursday (09:15 - 17:30) or Friday (09:00 - 18:00) - ACAT Member £170 | Non-member £185 
* Dinner plus B&B on either Wednesday or Thursday - ACAT Member £65 | Non-member £80 
* Wine Reception, Gala Dinner, Entertainment and B&B on Friday - ACAT Member £100 | Non-member £115 
* Gala Dinner and Entertainment (no B&B) on Friday - ACAT Member £50 | Non-member £65 

Closing date for conference bookings:  Tuesday, 5th September 2017
Please note, if you wish to book after the closing date please contact ACAT in the first instance to check availability.
B&B accommodation on campus cannot be guaranteed - book as soon as possible.

Ways to Book

•    book and pay online instantly using a personal credit or debit card only via this page (please scroll to the end of the page)
•    use the booking form to pay by cheque and post to ACAT, PO Box 6793, Dorchester DT1 9DL (attracts an additional administration fee of £15)
•    provide full invoicing details on the booking form and email to alison.marfell@acat.me.uk or post to ACAT, PO Box 6793, Dorchester DT1 9DL (attracts an additional administration fee of £15)

Booking enquiries/assistance:  Alison Marfell alison.marfell@acat.me.uk | +44(0)1305 263511
Enquiries regarding the Conference:  Maria Cross, Conference Administrator, maria.cross@acat.me.uk | +44(0)1305 263511

Dietary Requirements
Please notify ACAT of any specific dietary requests at the time of booking. The venue will do their best to meet your requirements but, without sufficient notice, this cannot be guaranteed.

Terms and Conditions
Please click on this link for our Terms and Conditions
Programme changes:  ACAT reserves the right to make changes to the advertised programme

Details and Booking Information

20th September 2017 to 23rd September 2017

For full information about Event Cost and Options please see the main conference page.  
Whole Event Residential (online booking): ACAT Member £480 | Non-member of ACAT £510

Workshop booking now open!



You can book this event online if you are registered or logged into this site. Click here to register or log in using the boxes at the top of this page.

For further information: please contact Maria Cross, Conference Administrator maria.cross@acat.me.uk  |  +44(0)1305 263511  |  #IntCAT17

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