ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision
18th November 2020 to 20th November 2020

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ACAT Relational Skills in CAT Supervision 


Online training

4.30 pm Wednesday 18th November to 3.00 pm Friday 20th November 2020

Cost: £200 online booking / £215 invoiced booking 


This intensive two and a half day course is open to any CAT Practitioner interested in CAT supervision.  It is particularly designed for trainee CAT Supervisors or CAT Practitioners with 16 cases completed who are thinking of training in supervision.  For trainee supervisors it offers an ACAT-approved alternative to sitting in with a senior supervisor.  The course has also been highly valued as an opportunity for qualified and experienced supervisors to look more intensively at their own practice as part of their CPD.

The course will offer:

  • Demonstrations of, and practice in, the relational competencies of being a CAT supervisor
  • Opportunities to explore therapist and supervisor styles and their personal and professional implications
  • Reflection upon the theory in practice of the ‘dialogic, cognitive and analytic’ understanding unique to CAT’s relational supervision
  • A framework for on-going reflective, relational practice as a CAT supervisor whether directly for individual therapy or indirectly with staff teams and individuals



Skills practice and supervision of the key aspects of CAT will be demonstrated step by step through role play by the trainers followed by role play in small groups of three by the participants.  This skills work will be alternated with personal reflection groups which will explore common enactments in the role of the CAT supervisor. Issues relating to being active, authoritative and flexible within the zone of the supervisee’s learning will be explored.  There will be two key presentations relating to CAT supervision on the topic of Transference and Counter Transference and therapeutic moments in the context of a dialogical and analytic approach to relational skills in the supervision of CAT.   Part of the ethos of the course will be the shared experience of being a community of supervisors committed to CAT.  Participants will bring details of a recent or current case, with which they are familiar, as the basis of role play. 


The course will begin with a welcome and an introduction to the aims and methods at 4.30 pm on Wednesday evening. Later there will be a 90 minute skills practice followed by the personal reflection group.  Days two and three will follow the same pattern and the course will finish at 3pm on Friday.


Trainer for the course

Steve Potter is a widely experienced trainer and supervisor in CAT who has worked at all levels of CAT training.  He is chair of the International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association and was, for many years, a teacher of social group work and skills in group and interpersonal relations.  Steve is attracted to CAT as a versatile, relational framework for mapping and tracking our psycho-social patterns of being in the world and their implications for mental health



  • Book and pay by personal credit or debit card online instantly via booking section below
  • By email with the booking form (see below to download):
  • Please note online booking is for users booking themselves in and paying with a personal debit or credit card.  If you are paying for a third party, by invoice please use the booking form below.  Thank you.




Terms and Conditions

Please refer to the website for terms and conditions

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Details and Booking Information

18th November 2020 to 20th November 2020

You can book this event online if you are registered or logged into this site. Click here to register or log in using the boxes at the top of this page.

Our Next 1 CAT Supervisor Training Courses

2nd January 2025
ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential


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