Newcastle Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Practitioner Training 2023-2025.
The Newcastle Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Service, part of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust’s Centre for Specialist Psychological Therapies, is now inviting applications for the ninth intake of our Practitioner Training in Cognitive Analytic Therapy. This is a two year course from March 2023 leading to accreditation as a CAT Practitioner.
Cognitive Analytic Therapy is an integrative and time-limited psychological therapy, fast-growing in the NHS, which brings together ideas and understanding from different therapies into one user-friendly and effective treatment. At its heart is an empathic relationship between the client and therapist, the purpose of which is to help the client make sense of their situation and to find ways of making changes for the better. In recent decades it has been developed to treat and manage NHS patients with a wide variety of mental health problems, and is recognised by NHS England as an evidence-based therapy for complex relational problems including those who may have a label of “personality disorder”. In CNTW, CAT is practiced across all clinical specialisms, and training and supervision is led by the CNTW CAT Service.
CAT Practitioner Training is a two-year in-service training leading to the major professional qualification in CAT, including accreditation with the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT) as a CAT Practitioner. Our training programme enables staff already qualified in a core caring profession and with experience of delivering psychological treatments to enhance their understanding and skills in psychotherapy by learning the theory and methods of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. The CNTW Practitioner Training in CAT has run since 2004, successfully training staff in CAT across clinical specialties, from different multidisciplinary backgrounds, inside and outside CNTW. There are a limited number of funded places for CNTW staff, with fees payable by external (non-CNTW) applicants.
Full details of the course are available in the training prospectus below. For any queries, please contact us via
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