4th International CAT Conference - Call for Contributions

The 4th International CAT conference is to be held in Krakow, Poland
from 15th to 17th September 2011
and calls for contributions.

Conference theme: Celebrating the Method and the Model
Variations and versatility in practice - integration of theory - developing research

5.00 pm Thursday 15 September to 4.00 pm Saturday 17 September, 2011
Jagiellonian University Medical College Conference Centre
Cracow || Poland

• Pre-conference events: (9.00-4.00 on 15 September) Introductory workshop, special international interest groups
• Unique ‘CAT themed’ international cabaret on the second evening after the conference meal with presentations from each participating country willing to contribute
• Visits to historic areas for those wishing to stay on the Sunday

The international CAT (ICATA) executive committee are pleased to announce the date and venue for the fourth international CAT conference. It will be held in Jagiellonian University Medical College Conference Centre which is a short walk from the historic main square of Cracow. Booking arrangements for the full conference will be widely announced in January 2011. We aim to provide links to a variety of hotel accommodation reserved for conference participants. There is a growing interest in CAT internationally and early booking will be recommended. Cracow is the historic capital of Poland and makes an excellent venue for this fourth conference and the first for the newly formed International Association.

Call for papers and offers for presentations and recommendations for speakers
The conference theme is: celebrating the method and the model in all its diversity. We want to focus on the rich variety of clinical applications of CAT on the one hand and the lively debate about the cognitive, analytic, humanistic and dialogic theoretical integration at the heart of CAT. Please email one of the members of the conference organising committee with offers to present a paper or lead a workshop or suggestions for the same.
There will be guest speaker presentations of 4O minutes, clinical practice presentations of thirty minutes plus discussion time, and workshop sessions of one hour. There will be space for poster presentations and for research reports. What we need is any suggestions and ideas for how the program could look.

Please click on http://www.acat.me.uk/acatevent.php?event_id=600 for further information or download the attached flyer.

Published by ACAT Administrator on 29th Nov 2010

Other Related News Stories from the Archives

Call for Papers ICATA Journal

Alison Marfell - published 6th Oct 2023

The Fifth International Conference on the Dialogical Self - 26th to 29th August, 2008

ACAT Administrator - published 5th Dec 2007

Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy 3rd International CAT Conference 2009

Kim Meldrum - published 2nd Sep 2008

ACAT 3rd International CAT Conference 2009

Kim Meldrum - published 17th Mar 2009

Innovations in the Application CAT: Celebrating 10+ years of CAT North Practitioner Training : Friday, 13 June, 2008 : Conference in Manchester

Steve Potter - published

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