New Website For ACAT

At Midnight on 18th August 2011 we launched the new version of ACATonline.

We hope you like all the improvements we've made and are looking forward to hearing your feedback about it. Please send your comments to or

Complete Redesign and Rebuild

The site has been rebuilt completely from scratch over the past months, with lots of new functionality, new design elements and lots of new public information sections and resources being added.

We've paid particular attention to making everything easy to find and simple to use.

As well as using the top navigation bar to find information on the website you can also use the "Search the Website" box at the top of any of the pages. Type in your search term and click on the button and we will return a list of matching pages that might be of interest.

If you've registered with ACAT before, or are a current Member, then your login will work as normal. Just click on the link at the top right of the page to "Log In To ACATonline" and fill in the form.

Glitches and Snags

With such an enormous redevelopment there will probably be a few glitches that emerge when the site is being used by real visitors and members of ACAT.

If you are unlucky enough to encounter a problem, firstly we're sorry for the inconvenience, and secondly, please do get in touch and tell us about it. We will try and fix most problems within just a couple of working days, if not sooner.

Send any errors and problems to and we'll get onto it pronto!

More Information and Tips and Tricks

We will publish some more stories in the coming days and weeks to help you get the most out of the website. We'll introduce some of the new features and functions that make this redevelopment so significant and substantial. We will also give you pointers for where to find all the things that were on the old site, just in case they're not obvious when you first look around.

Team Effort

This new site has been the work of a large team of people who have contributed in various ways to its success. In addition to us geeks who've recoded and redesigned the whole caboodle, there have been many contributors who've written articles, provided references, shared ideas and provided feedback along the way, all encouraged, cajoled and coordinated by Maddy Jevon, ACAT's development officer.

Published by Jon Sloper on 18th Aug 2011

Other Related News Stories from the Archives

New Research Page on the Website

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ACAT Website Gets Mobile-Friendly

Jon Sloper - published 23rd Oct 2018

ACAT's Credit Card Payment System has been updated

Jon Sloper - published 31st Aug 2021

ACAT Website Design Updates

Jon Sloper - published 18th Nov 2013

UPDATE - Scheduled Website Maintenance for ACAT - Mid February 2014

Jon Sloper - published 30th Dec 2013

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm


This site has recently been updated to be Mobile Friendly. We are working through the pages to check everything is working properly. If you spot a problem please email and we'll look into it. Thank you.