Planned ACAT Website Maintenance - Website Unavailable on Friday 17th July from 12pm BST

We are going to be migrating the ACAT website to a new server at midday BST on Friday 17th July 2015. This will mean the site and ACAT emails will be unavailable while the transfer takes place.

We have made every effort to keep the downtime to a bare minimum, but there is a possibility that this migration sequence may take 24 hours to complete. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause you.

Why are we doing this?

Well, it's a long story; but in a nutshell, ACAT has grown so much and the website's functionality has now evolved far beyond the current hosting company's capacity, which was first set up back in 2003! We now need more diskspace, faster processors and a more agile hosting system to manage the increasing demands and functionality of the ACAT website in the future.

What if you find a bug or problem?

This transition has been planned for many months and we have been careful to make sure that the site works effectively on the new server. We have a dedicated team working on the transition who will be monitoring the site for any issues once it is switched over. If you do encounter any issues (you shouldn't notice any difference between the new and old sites we hope; except for some speed improvements!), then please email and URGENTLY with your observations. The sooner we know about any issues, the sooner we can fix them and stop them affecting anyone else.

What's going to happen next?

Once the site has been moved over to the new hosting company we will be undertaking a series of major changes to the look and feel of the site. This has also been long in the planning, and we've consulted widely about peoples' impressions and experiences of the current site to ensure that we really make a positive difference with the next version of the site. Watch the News here for more updates as this project progresses.

And finally

So at midday on 17th you will see a "site under development" message on the site until the new site is operational. Once this switchover is complete it should be business as usual.

Thank you for your patience and we hope that the inconvenience caused by this update will be a tiny as possible.

Jon Sloper - ACAT Website Team Manager

Published by Jon Sloper on 16th Jul 2015

Other Related News Stories from the Archives

UPDATE - Scheduled Website Maintenance for ACAT - Mid February 2014

Jon Sloper - published 30th Dec 2013

Planned Website Migration Complete

Jon Sloper - published 17th Jul 2015


ACAT Administrator - published 13th Jan 2010

17th Annual ACAT Conference || 9th and 10th July, 2010

ACAT Administrator - published 3rd Nov 2009

ACAT Administration Office - Reduced Services

Kim Meldrum - published 19th Oct 2008

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm


This site has recently been updated to be Mobile Friendly. We are working through the pages to check everything is working properly. If you spot a problem please email and we'll look into it. Thank you.