Decisions, Changes and Information from ACAT's Committees - June 2009

1. Private Practice List.

The review of the supervision requirements for people listed on the ACAT private practice list is now complete. In response to feedback this has now been changed to read as follows: That a person on the private practice list be in appropriate supervision with a supervisor member of an accredited body. In most cases the supervisor will be a CAT supervisor but it is no longer a requirement for inclusion in the private practice list.

2. Supervisor Training

A new route to supervisor training has now been agreed which will hopefully increase the accessibility of training at this level. Thank you to all of you who provided feedback during the consultation phase of this work. The details of the new training are as follows:

i) In the new scheme the six months of supervised practice, where a CAT group is run under the supervision of a senior CAT supervisor is retained. However, there are now three alternative routes prior to this:

•Sitting in with a senior supervisor for six months of weekly supervision, as currently happens.

•Undertake an intensive two and a half-day residential supervisor skills course which is designed to achieve some of the experiential learning of the sitting in period. The first one of these will be on December 7th -- 9th and the link is here:

•Present evidence of prior learning equivalent to the sitting in period.

If you wish of course, it is also possible to attend the intensive training course in addition to completing a period of sitting in.

iii) Prior to starting training, it will still be necessary to complete 16 CAT cases. It is desirable that all of these are supervised by a senior CAT supervisor. However, where this is not possible, supervision of the last eight cases by an experienced CAT therapist or by well-managed peer supervision will also now be acceptable. In this situation, however, the prospective trainee supervisor needs to make contact with a senior supervisor by their 14th CAT case to discuss their training and development plans. The senior supervisor will provide mentoring and be responsible for the learning journey of the supervisee. They would agree to let the person sit in if this route is taken and supervise the trainees's supervision group.

iv) Where the intensive training course route is chosen the trainee will also need to contact a senior supervisor before their training starts to plan and discuss their supervision training. This supervisor will also provide mentoring throughout the journey and be responsible for their training. Contact may be face to face or by phone.

v) In order to improve the consistency of supervisor training nationally and also to make the role of the Vice Chair of Supervisor Training more manageable, we have created a new role of National External Examiner for Supervision. This person will approve submissions to begin supervisor training, review the progress of trainees and examine them at the end. A recommendation will then be made to the Exam Board after discussion with the Vice Chair of Supervisor Training (currently Val Fretten). For now, applications for training should still go to Val using the ACAT forms.

vi) In this new system it is no longer mandatory to attend three supervisor training days, although it is highly recommended. Supervisor training days will still be organised by ACAT and these will be open to anyone with an interest in supervision and not just trainee supervisors. If the days are not attended by the trainee supervisor then they need to demonstrate in their application form and in discussion with the senior supervisor and National External Examiner how their leaning needs will otherwise be fulfilled.

Full details of the new scheme will shortly be added to the ACAT Training Handbook.

3. Psychotherapy Accreditation by Transfer

Criteria have been agreed for accrediting people already qualified as a psychotherapist in another modality. This is called Accreditation by Transfer and we are inviting applications from people who may be suitably experienced and qualified. Applications should be made to Sally Anne Ennis, Vice Chair for APL via the ACAT office.

These criteria are:

  • Have extensive CAT experience
  • Extensive personal therapy
  • Contributed to the development of the model
  • Made broad contributions to CAT and to ACAT
  • Have a wide theoretical base
  • Be accredited CAT Practitioners and Supervisors
  • Already registered with the UKCP through another Member Organisation
  • Have worked in CAT at a high level for a considerable period of time
  • Have demonstrated that they would pass the psychotherapy training
  • Have demonstrated that they would not gain anything by doing the CAT psychotherapy training

These criteria will be added to the next edition of the Training Handbook.

Published by Mark Westacott on 10th Sep 2009

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ACAT Administrator - published 2nd Mar 2009

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

Job Vacancies from ACAT


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