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154 web page matching "cognitive analytic therapy cat research archives"
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19th Annual ACAT Conference Summary Programme

19th Annual ACAT Conference Summary Programme Thursday 5th July, 2012 Friday 6th July, 2012 Saturday 7th July, 2012 09:00 - 10:30 Plenary Session - Main Lecture Theatre 1. 'Connecting, splitting and attending - dialogue...


The 2024 Annual General Meeting will take place during the ACAT Annual Conference. Please refer to the following page for further information:

ACAT Consultation 2016

ACAT Consultation 2016 Report and Feedback to ACAT Members Contents 1. Matters Consulted on 2. Summary of Member Responses to Consultation 3. Response from ACAT Board of Trustees 4. Member Responses to Consultation 5. Previously Unpublis...

CAT Supervisor Listings

New CAT Supervisor Listings Following a number of requests from CAT Supervisors we have now created a new listings facility on the ACAT website to allow CAT Supervisors to post their Private Supervision services online in the same way as they might...

Conference Workshop Programme and Posters 2017

Conference Workshop and Poster Presentations 2017 Main Conference page: Please note that times and contents may be subject to change Once you have booked to attend the Conference, please select to attend one works...

Copyright Licence Agreement

ACAT Guidance: Copyright and the ACAT Library Published March 2013 / Revised February 2014 / Revised February 2015 (ratified November 2015) / revised June 2016 This document sets out ACAT’s Guidance to its members and requirements of them wi...

Help For Group Administrators

A Quick Guide to Help Administrators with Running their Special Interest or Regional Group Online You can view the new Special Interest Groups and Regional Groups if you're logged into ACAT as a current full member. If you are the Administrato...

Job Vacancies

Job Vacancies You will find any current job adverts which have been placed with ACAT listed below. If you have a job vacancy to list then please contact Alison Marfell: We make a nominal charge of £35 for advertisi...


Library The library has been reorganised, and will make searching for references and articles more straightforward. The bibliography lists all articles about CAT (including chapters of CAT books) that we are aware of. If you know about an article ...

Members' services

Members’ services As a member of ACAT, you are part of a community who have an interest in promoting, practising and developing cognitive analytic ideas and practice. The following pages will help you build local CAT networks with an invitati...


News from ACAT and Our Members Here you can see all the current news stories from ACAT, plus stories that have been added by our members. CAT Job Vacancies You can also find a list of Job Vacancies on the site here....

Previous News

Previous News from ACAT Here you can view our collection of previous (archived) news stories....

Register of ACAT Members

Register of ACAT Members The ACAT Register of Members lists all ACAT accredited and registered CAT Therapists / Practitioners and CAT Psychotherapists who are current members of ACAT. For a list of therapists working in private practice, please cl...

Register of CAT Supervisors

Register of CAT Supervisors The ACAT Register of Supervisors lists all accredited and registered CAT Supervisors who are current members of ACAT. If they have given permission, they may be contacted by email through the website. Where this is possi...

Requirements for Private Practice Listing

Requirements for Private Practice Listing on ACATonline In order to ensure quality and consistency of the private practice listings on ACATonline, and in line with ACAT's policy for promoting Private Practitioners on the website the following re...

Training - Members

Training The training pages give comprehensive information on all the courses and events promoted, supported or run by ACAT across the UK. Forthcoming courses are listed below. Click on the details to see the full event information. There is also ...

Website Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy Privacy and cookies Protecting your Privacy, the ACAT Promise "Because your data and privacy are so important, I wanted to let you know that when you share your information with ACAT, we take our responsibilities and ob...


Tweets by Assoc_CAT Welcome To Your ACAT Home Page Welcome to your personal section of the ACAT website. The links below will take you to your accounts, events attended and personal training history, as well as a wealth of other information. Click ...


Welcome to ACAT Welcome to the website for the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT), a registered charity. We welcome members of the public, health professionals, ACAT accredited professionals, and anyone interested in finding out more ...

About CAT

What is CAT? CAT stands for Cognitive Analytic Therapy; a collaborative programme for looking at the way a person thinks, feels and acts, and the events and relationships that underlie these experiences (often from childhood or earlier in life). As ...

More about CAT

More about CAT CAT is an integrative model of human development and of psychotherapy drawing on ideas as mentioned below. It is a fundamentally relational model, both in its view of human development and in its practice of psychotherapy. At its hear...

About ACAT

What is ACAT? ACAT is the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy. It is a registered charity, number 1141793. ACAT is a national association of members for the development of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. It has a membership of around 1000 indivi...

CAT Library

The CAT Library, and Bibliography The ACAT library has been a very helpful source of publications about CAT. It was first established in 2009 and a major undertaking. It allowed members to download peer review articles and some chapters. Due to copy...

Training In CAT

Training in Cognitive Analytic Therapy Introduction CAT is a versatile approach to psychological help and there are three main areas of the application of CAT in practice which is reflected in our training: CAT as a psychological therapy focusing...

ACAT Events

ACAT is monitoring information regarding Coronavirus. Should UK Government advice force us to cancel any events delegates will be given as much notice as reasonably possible. Events and CPD ACAT promotes and supports a number of events aimed at AC...

Equality and Diversity

Values in Cognitive Analytic Therapy A statement by members of ACAT’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) Central to Cognitive Analytic Therapy is the development of the reflective ‘observing eye’ in response to &l...


The Story of Research into Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Tony Ryle Research has always been integral to the CAT approach. Dr Anthony Ryle, the founder of CAT, comments that: “Working with patients to find the best descriptions of what it was we ...

Members' Home Page Introduction

Home page Welcome to the members’ section of the ACAT website. The quick links below will take you to your accounts, events attended and personal training history. Please make sure that your contact details are kept up to date – click h...

News and Views

<h1> News and views</h1> <p> We will keep you up to date with news from within ACAT in this section, as well as reporting on news from outside ACAT that is of relevance to you, for example, on the process of Statutory Regulation. Th...

How does CAT work?

How does CAT work? CAT is a very active therapy, inviting you to be the observer of your own life and to take part in what needs change. The changes needed may be small, such as stopping being caught in a trap of avoiding things, or they may be larg...

CAT and the therapeutic relationship

CAT and the Therapeutic Relationship The one, shared understanding within all approaches to psychotherapy is of the value of the therapeutic relationship as a way of understanding a person’s inner world. It is within this confidential relatio...

What problems can CAT help with?

What problems can CAT help with? CAT tries to focus on what a person brings to the therapy (‘target problems’) and the deeper patterns of relating that underlie them. It is less concerned with traditional psychiatric symptoms, syndromes...

Case histories and client's personal stories

Case histories Karen's story This is a case history written by Liz McCormick - it draws on different clients' stories as a way of explaining how CAT works. All the clients gave Liz permission to use their stories in her self help book '...

CAT Competences: Skilful CAT in Practice

Developing a competence framework for Cognitive Analytic Therapy One of the ways in which psychotherapies are adopted in the NHS is through the publication of competence frameworks. These are formal documents, available online, which set out in clea...

What are CAT sessions like?

What Are CAT Sessions Like? You will usually meet for between four and 24 weekly sessions, typically sixteen, but this will be agreed between you and the therapist. The first few sessions are the ‘reformulation phase’. You have the ...

What Is The Difference Between CAT and CBT?

What's the difference between CAT and CBT? CAT stands for Cognitive Analytic Therapy and CBT for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. There are similarities between these therapies – both are brief therapies with a limit on the number of sessi...

How can I get to see a CAT therapist

How can I get to see a CAT therapist Many CAT therapists (practitioners) and psychotherapists work in the NHS but not all localities have CAT services. It is sometimes offered in primary care. There are many secondary care and specialist CAT service...

What has been written about CAT?

What has been written about CAT? Reformulation This is the newsletter for the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy. It is published twice a year and is free to members. You can read more about Reformulation by clicking here: More about Refor...

Covid-19 Impact on Training

Adaptations to CAT Training during the Covid-19 period, and Remote and Hybrid Training In May 2020 due to the impact of Covid-19 on CAT training we agreed the following Key Principles: • ACAT will not be lowering standards as regards the lear...

Remote and hybrid training models for CAT Training

Remote and hybrid training models for CAT Training ACAT training requirements post pandemic retain some flexibility with a proportion of online training components to allow trainees to operate within their service requirements. ACAT Training Committ...

The levels of ACAT accredited training

The levels of ACAT accredited CAT training and what they qualify you to do ACAT offers and oversees accredited courses in CAT at four levels. ACAT also offers introductory workshops and CPD (continuing professional development) events. Local or ...

CAT Psychotherapy Training

Inter-Regional Residential ACAT Psychotherapy Training (IRRAPT) Psychotherapy training enables CAT Practitioners to become Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapists via an additional two-year assessed course, which leads to eligibility for registration wi...

CAT Practitioner Training

CAT Practitioner Training Practitioner training enables core mental health professionals with competence in their own field to enhance their understanding and skills in a specific psychological therapy by learning the theory and methods of CAT as a...

CAT Supervisor Training

CAT Supervisor Training: Guidelines for Training The usual pathway for training as a CAT Supervisor is that You will be a CAT Practitioner or a CAT Psychotherapist You have prior experience of offering clinical supervision. You will have completed...

CAT Foundation Training

CAT Foundation Training The CAT Foundation course, accessible to professions with prior training in psychological therapies, aims to equip trainees with the CAT skills and competencies for working primarily within one to one therapy roles, usually i...

CAT Skills Training

CAT Skills Case Management Courses This training is designed for generic workers in health, caring and support worker roles to acquire a useful working understanding of CAT to inform their routine practice. The aim is not to train people to become ...

Introductory Courses in CAT

Introduction to CAT Courses ACAT CAT Introductory workshops are designed to stimulate interest in CAT and keep ACAT members up to date. They are not ACAT accredited trainings and do not equip someone to offer CAT as a psychological therapy. These a...

CAT Competences Framework

CAT Competences Framework: A Competency Approach to Training The framework describes the full family of CAT competences defining the knowledge and skills required to facilitate safe and effective CAT. The framework and specific competences are des...


Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) There are circumstances in which individuals may wish to have past training and experience recognised by ACAT as equivalent to its current standards and...

Technology Assisted Supervision and Training (TAST)

Technology Assisted Supervision and Training (TAST) Definition of TAST Refers to supervision or training assisted by technology via email/internet relay chat/VOIP (voice over internet protocol)/video webcam in real time (synchronous) or asynchro...

Embarking on CAT Training - Eligibility for Career Route Training

Embarking on CAT Training: Further Information about Eligibility for CAT ‘Career Route’ Training At any one time, there are about ten CAT training courses running, with between 15 and 20 people on each course. About 150-200 people a ye...

App 1 Supervised Clinical Practice as part of CAT Training

Training in CAT || Appendix 1 Supervised Clinical Practice as part of CAT Training It is important to note that all trainees undertaking accredited training courses must be supervised by a supervisor who is both accredited by ACAT and a current mem...

App 2 Personal Development and Personal Therapy as part of CAT Training

Training in CAT || Appendix 2 Personal Development and Personal Therapy as part of CAT Training As CAT is a relational approach, the way therapeutic work impinges on and requires the use of self and self-reflection is a core element of CAT training...

App 3 Flowchart of ACAT's Courses and Trainings showing Modular Structure

Training in CAT || Appendix 3 Flowchart of ACAT's Courses and Trainings showing Modular Structure February 2017...

Support for CAT research

Support for Research ACAT does not carry out its own research (ie it does not employ a research team) and mainly offers advice and support to mental health professionals who may, in the course of their clinical or academic work, wish to carry out ...

Informal Research Advice

The following people have kindly agreed to provide informal support to people wanting to do research into CAT who are still at an early stage of preparation. Please contact them via the acat office. Frank Margison Although like everyone he is time-p...

Summaries and meta-analyses of CAT research

Summaries and Meta-analyses of CAT Research Cognitive analytic therapy at 30 (2014) Ryle, A. Kellett, S. Hepple, J. & Calvert, R. (2014). Cognitive analytic therapy at 30. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 20, 258 – 268 Cognitive ...

Recently Published CAT Research

Recently Published CAT Research This is a listing of selected recent research publications or summaries about cognitive analytic therapy since 2014. They are generally written for a professional or academic audience. We are producing some more acces...

Research and Communication Committee

The Research and Communication Committee The R & C committee has been established to advise on research related to Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) and communicate the CAT evidence-base and understanding. According to its Terms of Reference it w...

ACAT Research Strategy

Please click on the link below to 'Downloadable Policy Documents from ACAT' for a pdf of ACAT's current Research Strategy 2017 - 2020 Information added 15.01.2019...

Donate to ACAT Research Fund

Donate to ACAT Research Fund ACAT is raising money to fund a randomised controlled trial of CAT consultancy work in acute mental health settings. Please contact the ACAT office if you would like to make a donation: Thank you...

CAT with adolescents

Cognitive Analytic Therapy with Adolescents Before starting an individual CAT therapy with an adolescent, it is important to remember that a young person is always surrounded by some system of care, usually their family. Initial assessment should a...

CAT in Later Life

CAT in later life There are a range of therapists working throughout the UK who use CAT and CAT-informed approaches with people in later life. CAT, with its starting point of a therapeutic dialogue with a unique individual, is inherently adaptable ...

CAT with people with a learning disability

CAT with people with a learning disability The Government’s White Paper ‘Valuing People’ (2001) states that people with learning disabilities should have the same access to services as everyone else. Over the last 15 years, a rang...

CAT with people with a personality disorder

The experience of using Cognitive Analytic Therapy with clients with personality difficulties Introduction I qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 1990 and work in the NHS in Secondary Care Adult Mental Health services. I subsequently trained in C...

CAT with people with eating disorders

Cognitive Analytic Therapy in the treatment of eating disorders Over the last two decades, Cognitive Analytic Therapy has been used increasingly widely in the treatment of eating disorders. There are currently two small RCT's in the literature ...

Using CAT in forensic services

Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) in forensic services CAT is increasingly being used in forensic services. It is being used in many different ways including in individual and group therapy with clients/patients, in combination with other therapies ...

Using CAT in team consultancy

Using CAT in Team Consultancy CAT has a well-established approach to team-based training which is used throughout the UK. This can be particularly helpful for clients with complex presentations who may struggle to form collaborative treatment relat...

The range of CAT services - NHS and beyond

The range of CAT services - NHS, private therapy and beyond Many CAT practitioners and psychotherapists work in the NHS but not all localities have CAT services. It is sometimes offered in primary care. There are many secondary care and specialist ...

What has been written about CAT?

What has been written about CAT? Reformulation This is the newsletter for the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy. It is published twice a year and is free to members. For a list of contents for the current edition, follow this link. Resear...

DVD About CAT (Cognitive Analytic Therapy)

Buy ACAT's DVD On 21 December 2007 Tony Ryle visited Scotland for an informal seminar on Cognitive Analytic Therapy and to offer support and encouragement to the development and accreditation of a CAT Practitioner Training Course in Scotland. ...

Local and Special Interest Groups

Local and Special Interest Groups There are a number of locally organised local groups of CAT members and Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Each group has their own programme which may include hosting speakers on a wide range of topics associated with...

ACAT Email Newsletters

ACAT Email Newsletters We send out two or three ACAT e-Newsletters each year to subscribed members. Previous newsletters are now on the site as an archive in case you are interested in what's been going on in ACAT... "There were many reas...

ACAT and Social Media

Guidance on Use of Social Media for ACAT Members Social media has become part of day-to-day life for many, and members may well be using different forms of social media for both personal and professional purposes. ACAT does not have a specific socia...

The Wider Mental Health Community

The Wider Mental Health Community There is a wealth of information relating to mental health issues available to both members of the public and other health professions. We have listed some of the websites which offer additional information –...

ACAT Membership

Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy - Membership Section 1: Information about linking with ACAT for those visitors to the site not in training or accredited in CAT. 1.1. Register as a User of the site - FREE We warmly invite you to regist...

Policies and official documents

ACAT Policies and Official Documents Here you can find a list of our public information documents and policies. Please scroll down the page for these documents in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader then you can download one for free from ww...

ACAT's committees

ACAT - The Organisation Download a pdf of this chart by clicking here The above contact details have since changed. Please refer to the following webpage for current information: Registered Office address: B...

Who's Who in ACAT / Contact Us

Who's Who in ACAT ACAT Administration ACAT PO Box 6793 Dorchester DT1 9DL Administration Manager - Maria Cross | Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9 to 5 | Thursday 8.30 to 12 | | | 07598 725 789 Administr...

Tony Ryle - a biography

Dr Tony Ryle 1927 - 2016 Dr Tony Ryle, the founder of Cognitive Analytic Therapy Tony Ryle’s first work was in General Practice. Together with colleagues who shared his socialist and egalitarian views and his support for the newly established...

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions How can I download receipts for my payments? Just log into the website then, from your homepage, scroll down to the “Your Accounts” bar and select the “Your Accounts with Receipts” tab. Select t...

Reformulation - the newsletter for ACAT

Reformulation - the newsletter for the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy Reformulation is committed to upholding a broadly based view of the Cognitive Analytic approach and developments within CAT. Reformulation considers articles on CAT...

International CAT

(ICATA) International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association A federation of national CAT associations: What is ICATA? It is a federation of national associations promoting training and supervision in the practice of CAT from Australia, Finland, Gr...

Subsidiary Rules to the ACAT Constitution

Subsidiary Rules to the ACAT Constitution: November 2006 || Revised January 2008 MEMBERSHIP Membership of the Association (ACAT) is open to any individual aged 18 or over who wishes to support the Objects of ACAT In accordance with Article 3 there...

ACAT's Memorandum and Articles of Association

Company Number: 6063084 The Companies Acts 1985 and 1989 COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE ______________________________________________________________________ MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION FOR COGNITIVE ANALYTIC THERAPY Incorpor...

Media Information

Media Information and Resources The spokesperson for matters relating to the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy is Liz McCormick. Please contact the ACAT Administrators in the first instance and they will be able to help direct your query as...

ACAT Events Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions ACAT is monitoring information regarding Coronavirus. Should UK Government advice force us to cancel any events delegates will be given as much notice as reasonably possible. Access needs Please specify any facilities that may...

Annual National Conference

28th ACAT National Conference 2024 Dates: 18th to 20th July 2024 Venue: Swansea University Bay Campus Theme: New Horizons in CAT This conference has three strands within the ‘New Horizons’ theme. These are: ‘Working Inclusive...

Annual General Meeting

ACAT's Annual General Meeting 2024 Friday, 19th July 2024 - 12 to 1pm Swansea University, Bay Campus, Fabian Way, Crymlyn Burrows, Swansea SA1 8EN The AGM is free to attend and is open to all members. Please click on the link below for furthe...

Traps, Dilemmas and Snags

Traps, Dilemmas and Snags There are certain ways of thinking and acting that do not achieve what we want but which are hard to change. When Tony Ryle was meeting with patients he began to recognise three main patterns of problems that kept people s...

Find a Private CAT Therapist

Find a Private CAT Therapist All members on our "Find a CAT Therapist" list are private ACAT Accredited CAT Therapists / Practitioners or CAT Psychotherapists and are current members of ACAT, are in supervision for their CAT work, adhere t...

ACAT's Board of Trustees

Current Trustees of ACAT ACAT elects its Trustees at its Annual General Meeting. Each year one third of the Board of Trustees stands down and may stand for re-election if wished. Trustees meet a minimum of three times a year. The current Board of ...

Council of Management

Members of ACAT's Council of Management Chair of ACAT - Jessie Emilion The Chair of ACAT chairs both the Board of Trustees and Council of Management. The role involves setting the strategic direction for ACAT with the Trustees and overseeing the...

ACAT's Ambassador

ACAT is pleased to welcome Rosie Cooper as its first Ambassador Rosie was Labour Member of Parliament (MP) for West Lancashire from 2005 until her resignation in 2022, and is now Chair of the Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. In 2007, Rosie was Par...

Additional Organisational Roles

Additional Organisational Roles Vice Chair of the ACAT Training Committee Vacant The role involves responding to issues raised regarding how we teach and evaluate, and the systems ACAT already has in place to address quality. The post holder act...

ACAT Administration

ACAT Administration Please note: Emails sent to the above adress are viewed by the ACAT Administration Manager during her usual office hours (as below). For specific enquiries, please use the contact details as provided below. ...

Life Members of ACAT

Life Membership of ACAT At the ACAT Annual General Meeting in 2013 the following resolution was passed determining the award of Life Membership of ACAT: “Without prejudice to the generality of Article 3(1), the Directors may, in their absolut...

Recent Additions to the ACAT Library

Recent Additions to ACAT's Digital Library Under ACAT's Copyright Licence we have sourced a number of new papers and articles about CAT from current and past issues of psychology and psychotherapy journals. The current list of references tha...

Books About Cognitive Analytic Therapy

Books about Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Detailed below are books written about CAT. Click on the titles and then on the book shots for a purchase link through to Amazon....

Journal Articles written about Cognitive Analytic

Journal Articles written about Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Here's a list of journal articles that have been published about CAT....

ACAT Membership Fees - Tax Relief

Tax Relief on ACAT Membership Fees We are pleased to let ACAT members know that the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy is on HMRC’s approved list of professional organisations where members may claim tax relief for their annual members...

Lapsed ACAT Membership and Rejoining Process

Lapsed Accredited Membership of ACAT - and how to rejoin Information and arrangements for accredited members whose membership has lapsed and who wish to rejoin ACAT 1. Rejoining Process 2. Fees Payable 3. Rejoining Membership 4. Practice Terms whi...

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions I don't appear to be able to access the site from work or download any documents. Can you help? Many employers, especially those in the public sector, have stringent protection and access restrictions on the computers...

Privacy Notice

Website Privacy Policy Privacy and cookies Updated December 2023 Protecting your Privacy, the ACAT Promise Because your data and privacy are so important, when you share your information with ACAT, we take our responsibilities and obligatio...

Code of Ethics and Practice

ACAT Code of Ethics and Practice Revised and Amended. Approved at ACAT’s AGM on: 11 July 2014 Revised October 2018; October 2019; October 2023 INTRODUCTION The following is intended to guide the ethical and professional conduct of members a...

Code of Ethics and Practice for Training and Supervision

ACAT Code of Ethics and Practice for Training and Supervision Revised and Amended. Approved at ACAT’s AGM on 11th July, 2014 Introduction The purpose of the Code is to establish and maintain standards for trainers and supervisors who are mem...

Concerns and Complaints Procedure

ACAT Concerns and Complaints Procedure Revised and Amended. Approved at ACAT’s AGM 11 July 2014; revised February 2018; May 2020 Abbreviations The following abbreviations will be used throughout this document: ACAT: Association for Cog...

Concerns and Complaints Appendix 1 Ethics Committee

Concerns and Complaints Procedure Appendix 1: Ethics Committee Ethics Committee: Terms of Reference The ACAT Ethics Committee consists of a group of senior ACAT members and lay persons who oversee the operation of the ACAT Concerns and Complaints P...

Concerns and Complaints Appendix 3 Mediation

Concerns and Complaints Procedure Appendix 3: Mediation Guidance Mediation as a means to conciliation and resolution: It is a key practice principle of ACAT’s Concerns and Complaints Procedure, that “informal resolution of concerns and...

Concerns and Complaints Appendix 4 Referral Form

Concerns and Complaints Procedure Appendix 4: Complaints Referral Form Please complete and sign this Complaints Referral Form and return to: The Chair of the ACAT Ethics Panel ACAT Office PO Box 6793 Dorchester DT1 9DL and please also email an elec...

Equality & Diversity policy

ACAT Equality and Diversity Policy Introduction CAT promotes an active engagement with difference. It therefore seeks to provide a framework for the profession of psychological therapy that allows competing and diverse ideas and perspectives on wha...

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

ACAT Guidance: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Published December 2015 This document should be read in conjunction with ACAT’s Code of Ethics and Practice and ACAT’s Code of Ethics and Practice for Training and Supervision...

Supervision Requirements across ACAT

ACAT Supervision Requirements across the Organisation Agreed October 2011, revised January 2018 PURPOSE The purpose of supervision, amongst others, is to ensure the quality and efficacy of the work with the client and that the high standards of...


ACAT Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Policy Revised January 2018 This new ACAT CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Policy replaces the previous policy dated April 2010 and revised in September 2011 Introduction Following ACAT&r...

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees ACAT is governed by its Trustees. They have overall responsibility for the development of ACAT and for setting the general direction of the organisation. Their roles are separate from the members of the Council of Management a...

Council of Management

Council of Management The ACAT Council of Management has responsibility for the day to day running of ACAT. Members are co-opted, and as listed below. The work of the Council of Management is conducted by periodic remote meetings and interim ema...

Training Committee

The Training Committee The Training Committee is responsible for developing a national strategy for all levels of CAT training and accreditation - practitioner, psychotherapy, supervisor, foundation, and skills. It approves, monitors, and audits t...

Exam Board, including submission dates

Examination Board The Examination Board is the accreditation body of ACAT for individual trainees, trainers and supervisors. The Board also monitors and audits national standards of marking. The Exam Board has the same membership as the Training Com...

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee The Ethics Committee carries responsibility for administering ACAT's Concerns and Complaints Procedure, conducting investigations and maintaining and reporting upon ethical standards in the practice of CAT. It is composed o...

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) Description The EDIC, a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees and Council of Management, has been established to advise the Board of Trustees and Council of Management on issues relating to Equali...

Research and Communication Committee

Research and Communication Committee The Research and Communication Committee is now subsumed within the Marketing and Research Strategies (March 2013). ...

Aims and Scope of Reformulation

Aims and Scope of Reformulation Editors: Editors: Ceara Geoghegan, Claire Moran Sub Editors: Alison Jenaway, Carol Gregory Editorial Advisor: Elizabeth McCormick Reformulation is committed to upholding a broadly based view of the Cognitive Analy...

Consent to Publish in Reformulation

Consent to Publish in Reformulation This article is a description of the consent requirements for authors submitting articles that describe detailed clinical material about clients. Our aim is to remind authors of the need to get informed consent fr...

CAT or Can You Make a Mad Man Sane?

Cognitive Analytic Therapy, or Can You Make a Mad Man Sane? Alan Wayne Whiskerd Alan has given his permission for us to use his story. When I was asked to write this, I must admit I was surprised and just a little bit daunted. What follows is an ...

CAT and borderline personality disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder and Cognitive Analytic Therapy - a personal account Here I aim to talk about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and how Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) can help you make important and lasting changes to your life...

A suitable case for treatment: CAT and diabetes

A suitable case for treatment: CAT and diabetes Geoff Woods Geoff has given permission for us to use his story. I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 10 years ago. After trying to lose weight almost all of my adult life I suddenly lost around...

ACAT Newsletter 1 - April 2010

ACAT Email Newsletter 1 - April 2010 Welcome to this first edition of our new ACAT e-newsletter. There were many reasons for thinking that we needed a more informal and light-hearted format for sharing information within the CAT community. I gue...

ACAT Newsletter 2 - August 2010

ACAT Email Newsletter 2 - August 2010 I’ve recently returned from the ACAT Annual conference at Hertfordshire University – an immensely enjoyable and successful two days. Good lecturers and a great range of workshops. Several people ...

ACAT Newsletter 3 - March 2011

ACAT Email Newsletter 3 - March 2011 Since getting involved in ACAT I have occasionally thought about it as a swan – sailing gently and serenely down the river – whilst paddling furiously underneath. The newsletter will, I hope,...

ACAT Newsletter 4 - December 2011

ACAT Email Newsletter 4 - December 2011 Click here to Download this Newsletter as a PDF I didn’t think I’d be writing this with Christmas in sight, but the long gap since the publication of the previous newsletter is down to the w...

ACAT Newsletter 5 - May 2012

ACAT Email Newsletter 5 - May 2012 May I take two minutes of your time? I realise how busy everyone is nowadays but I hope you'll find time to cast your eye over the newsletter - there is important information if you work as a private th...

ACAT Newsletter 6 - December 2012

ACAT Email Newsletter 6 - December 2012 Season’s Greetings to you all! I expect this will be finding its way into your inbox with only a few days to go to Christmas, so I hope you all have a good break and a renewal of energy to gr...

ACAT Newsletter - May 2017

ACAT Newsletter May 2017 Welcome to the ACAT Newsletter – our “in brief” update on the latest ACAT news and developments which we hope will inform members and help people to feel in touch with their Association. In this editi...

ACAT Newsletter - August 2017

ACAT Newsletter August 2017 Welcome again to the ACAT Newsletter – we imagine a lot of ACAT members will be away enjoying some summer sunshine but hope that you will catch up on the latest ACAT news and developments on your return. This issue...

Additional information on using Twitter

To read ACAT's 'Social Media guidance for use for ACAT members' please follow this link - The following articles are reproduced from ACAT Newsletters in 2016 and 2017, plus tips on usin...

Accessibility & Special Requirements

Accessibility & Special Requirements All of the University’s buildings meet strict accessibility criteria including wheelchair access. Hearing loops can be provided on request. A number of adapted bedrooms are available on site - pleas...


Bookmark will be providing a bookstall on the Friday of the conference only from 8:30am to 4:00pm You can browse or order online here: Cognitive Analytic Therapy Books At Reduced Prices on PTB Special offer for ACAT members until 27th July 2024:...


ACAT Conference Bursaries Bursary applications are welcome until Friday 18th April 2024. Please download the application form via Event Documents at the event page ...

Call for Papers

Call for Conference Workshops This conference has three strands within the ‘New Horizons’ theme. These are: ‘Working Inclusively: Reaching Out and Inviting In’: we invite delegates to explore how we engage proactively with m...

Food and Refreshments

Dietary Requirements Please email me with any dietary requirements (including vegetarian or vegan) by 17th June 2024; thank you. Even if you have notified me regarding a previous event, you will still need to notify me please at alison.marfell@acat....


Programme Thursday 18th July 12:30pm to 1:30pm Registration 1.40pm – 1.55pm Welcome and introduction 1.55pm – 3.05pm Keynote: Ms Bamidele Adenipekun - 'It’s good to talk, but can I trust you?' 3...

Research Presentation

Research Presentations Thursday 18th July 5.00pm – 5.30pm Research presentation - 'The challenge to the CAT model of working cross-culturally, both conceptually and therapeutically, and as illustrated by attempts to develop a...


Jill Corbyn Neurodiversity, lessons from lived experience Abstract A lived experience reflection on neurodivergent informed approaches. Hear about developments in research and the changing understanding of autism from a behavioural disorder to a s...

Terms and Conditions

Conference Terms and Conditions Access needs Please specify any facilities that may be required in order for you to attend this event. Data Protection For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, the data controller in respect of your personal ...


Swansea University Bay Campus Fabian Way Crymlyn Burrows Swansea SA1 8EN Wales Travelling by road Travelling west on the M4, leave the motorway at junction 42...


Call for Conference Workshops Friday morning workshops Henrietta Batchelor - 'Retirement – who am I really?' For many of us retirement is a step-change, a whole or partial change of role and, like other life changes such as leaving ...

Reading List

Recommended Reading List Henrietta Batchelor & Anna Jellema: 'Working with Couples – is CAT enough' Bowlby, J. (1979) The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds. New York: Harper and Row. Britton, R. (2005) The Oedipus Compl...

Equality and Diversity in ACAT

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) ACAT’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) is a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees and Council of Management. Its terms of reference are To report to the Board of Trust...

Equality and Diversity Policy

ACAT’s Equality and Diversity Policy Introduction CAT promotes an active engagement with difference. It therefore seeks to provide a framework for the profession of psychological therapy that allows competing and diverse ideas and perspecti...

ACAT Anti-Racist Statement

We acknowledge that racism exists in our society and our model was developed from within a Western Eurocentric culture. In accordance with our model this inevitably means that racist reciprocal roles will be enacted within our organisation, our train...

Support for Members

How can the EDC support me? The EDC have set up an informal support system for ACAT members. The aim of the support system will be to provide a safe space whereby members can receive informal support and discuss difficulties around inequalities. T...

Inequality and Diversity Special Interest Group

ACAT supports a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for members and friends of ACAT. Several of these are relevant to different aspects of equality and diversity. One is a dedicated SIG: CAT Inequality and Diversity Special Interest Group Thi...

Equality and Diversity Resources

The EDC collated a resource list on Equality and Diversity issues in 2018. ACAT members can download a copy of the resource list from your home page under Cat Practice/CAT Tools/Training Document – Equality and Diversity Reading and Resource L...

Inclusion in Training

The Tony Ryle Bursary Fund for Training in Cognitive Analytic Therapy Tony Ryle, who developed CAT in the 1980’s, was passionate about creating a therapy that was accessible and understandable for patients approaching the NHS for psychologica...

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

News from ACAT

Click to read all news

Job Vacancies from ACAT


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