At the ACAT Annual General Meeting in 2013 the following resolution was passed determining the award of Life Membership of ACAT:
“Without prejudice to the generality of Article 3(1), the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, award Life Membership to any person who has in the opinion of the Directors made an exceptional contribution to the work of the Charity or the promotion of its objects. Life Members are entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the Charity and to vote on members' resolutions in writing. Subject thereto, the rights, privileges and obligations attaching to Life Membership shall be determined by the Directors and recorded in the register of members."
ACAT's Trustees announced that eight members were to be awarded Life Membership in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the organisation, the charity, and to CAT. These initial awards were made at the ACAT Conference in 2014, with new Life Members added since.
Annalee Curran - Chair of ACAT from 1992 to 1994, founder member of ACAT, Trustee and trainer
Hilary Beard - Chair of ACAT from 1994 to 1997, founder member of ACAT, Trustee and trainer - particularly Hilary's contribution to the development of the IRRAPT course (CAT psychotherapy training)
Steve Potter - Chair from 1997 to 2003, Trustee and trainer. Founder of the International CAT Association (ICATA)
Mary Dunn - Chair of ACAT from 2003 to 2008 and Trustee
Mark Westacott - Chair of ACAT from 2008 to 2011 and Trustee
Jason Hepple - Chair of ACAT from 2011,Trustee and trainer
Liz McCormick - Founder member of ACAT, Trustee, trainer and author of CAT's best selling title: “Change for the Better”
Virginia West - Founder member of ACAT and Trustee
Susan Van Baars - Life Friend of ACAT - ACAT Administrator and member of the Council of Management
Stephen White - Treasurer and Company Secretary
Ian Kerr - Contribution to CAT research, and making CAT more accessible through his own writing and the joint editorship of the International Journal of CAT
Anna Jellema –Exam Board Chair and previously Chair of Training Committee
Eva Burns-Lundgren - support of ACAT
Alison Jenaway – Chair of ACAT
Jane Blunden - long-standing care and thought you have given to the organisation, as well as the many years delivering training and enabling others to find their way into the world of psychotherapy
Henrietta Batchelor - ACAT Trustee
Jay Dudley - ACAT Chair
Congratulations and thanks to all Life Members
ACAT Board of Trustees
Updated April 2023
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