The CAT Library, and Bibliography

The ACAT library has been a very helpful source of publications about CAT. It was first established in 2009 and a major undertaking. It allowed members to download peer review articles and some chapters. Due to copyright licensing only one article per journal or book could be accessible at any one time which meant there was a system of intermittent access on a rotational basis. In addition, articles from the in house journal Reformulation and the earlier ‘ACAT newsletter’ could be downloaded.

Over the last year we have explored options of maintaining this system but also the costs of continuing to purchase copyright licenses to provide downloads. Many publications are now available online and many members have access to a far wider range of CAT work through your employer/institution, for example Open Athens through the NHS. We are therefore replacing the ACAT library with a full bibliography listing of CAT work which will be maintained regularly by a librarian. The bibliography of CAT publications lists articles in peer reviewed journals; articles in ‘Reformulation’; book chapters and books about CAT.

Each publication is accompanied by a link to a Full Text article where this is freely available on the internet, including Reformulation articles. DOI links will take you to the publisher’s page for the article or book. If you are signed in with an institutional login (for example, OpenAthens for NHS staff), the DOI link may take you to the full text paper if it is included in the NHS subscription.

You can search for references in the Bibliography by using the search form below.

  • Reformulation Articles

    - (2004) 'Psycho-Social Checklist', Reformulation, 23, 28.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    ACAT Administration (2013) 'Talking about CAT"', Reformulation, 40, 14.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    ACAT Members (2015) 'Politics and ACAT', Reformulation, 45, 40-43.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Agoro, D. (2017) 'When Therapy Feels Like A Roller Coaster Ride: A CAT Perspective', Reformulation, 49, 19-21.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Ahmadi, J. (2011) 'What are the most dominant Reciprocal Roles in our society?', Reformulation, 36, 13 - 17.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Akande, R. (2007) 'A Sign for the Therapeutic Relationship', Reformulation, 29, 06-Jul.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Annesley, P. and Barrow, A. (2018) 'Capturing Service Users' Views of Their Experiences of Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT): A Pilot Evaluation of a Questionnaire', Reformulation, 51, 14-21.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Annesley, P. and Jones, L. (2016) 'The 4P's model: A Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) derived tool to assist individuals and staff groups in their everyday clinical practice with people with complex presentations', Reformulation, 46, 40-43.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Anonymous (2012) 'A letter to the NHS..', Reformulation, 39, 20 - 21.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Anonymous (2012) 'Anonymous Letters', Reformulation, 39, 22 - 23.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Anonymous (2009) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy, or Can You Make a Mad Man Sane?', Reformulation, 33, Nov-13.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Appleby, K. (2003) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy - its influence on my practice in the Occupational Health Speciality within a Clinical Psychology and Counselling Service', Reformulation, 18, 18 - 24.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Aquarone, R. (2004) 'Dissociation and Power: A Dialogue with Voices', Reformulation, 22, 15-19.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Ardern, M. (2004) 'Book Review: Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life by Sutton and Hepple', Reformulation, 22, 28-29.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Baines, G. (2014) 'Report from the Third CAT and LD Conference, in London', Reformulation, 42, 13-15.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Baker, J. (2003) 'Evaluation of CAT in GP Practice', Reformulation, 18, 16-17.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bampton, S. (2019) 'Re-visiting Experiences of Working with Intergenerational Trauma in Cambodia through a CAT Lens', Reformulation, 53, Oct-15.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bancheva, M. (2006) 'Family Constellations and CAT: Reciprocal Roles Through The Generations?', Reformulation, 26, 15 - 17.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bancroft, A., Collins, S., Crowley, V., Harding, C., Kim, Y., Lloyd, J., Murphy, N. (2008) 'Is CAT an Island or Solar System?', Reformulation, 30, 23 - 25.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Barnes, N. (2015) 'Reaching Out - A Journey Within and Alongside CAT', Reformulation, 45, 30-32.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Barnes, N. (2016) 'Learning With Young People About Being 'In The Middle'', Reformulation, 46, Nov-18.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Barnes, N. (2016) 'It's All About Relationships', Reformulation, 47, 07-Nov.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Barnes, N. (2019) 'How to be Both - Being in Dialogue with Ali Smith', Reformulation, 53, 34-35.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Barry, C. (2017) 'IAPTrogenic effect?': CAT theory as a tool to consider potential systemic patterns of iatrogenic harm within the context of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Services', Reformulation, 48, 51-58.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Beard, H. (2003) 'Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought', Reformulation, 18, 11-Dec.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bell, B. (2017) 'How CAT-Informed Practice Can Help To Improve Mental Health Services', Reformulation, 49, 33-37.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bell, C. (1998) 'A Pre-CAT Issue: The Influence of Partner Safety on the Assessment of Men Who Batter', Reformulation, 1.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bennett, D. (1995) 'The Use of Transference in CAT: Refinement of a Proposed Model', Reformulation, 3.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bennett, D. (1999) 'An Update on Microsupervision', Reformulation, 2, 1.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bennett, D. (2018) 'Tony Ryle the therapist: A privilege to listen in', Reformulation, 50, 22-24.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bermingham, D. (1998) 'Working With Sex Offenders When You Think Like a CAT Person', Reformulation, 1.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bernardy-Arbuz, M.A. (2013) 'Clarifying an ethical dilemma with CAT in work with children and adolescents', Reformulation, 40, 28, 29, 30, 31.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bernardy-Arbuz, M.A. (2017) 'CAT and the 'Incredible Years' programme: Towards a CAT parenting guidance framework', Reformulation, 48, 22-31.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Blunden, J. (1993) 'A Brief Introductory Handout About CAT', Reformulation, 4.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Boa, C. (1998) 'SDR's for Beginners', Reformulation, 6.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Boa, C. (2002) 'Book Review - INTRODUCING COGNITIVE ANALYTIC THERAPY PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE: Anthony Ryle and Ian B Kerr', Reformulation, 17, 33.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Boa, C. (2002) 'Introductory CAT Workshops: Helpful Guidelines', Reformulation, 5.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bobvos-Bekefi, M. (2014) 'A New Concept of Understanding CAT and Hermeneutics', Reformulation, 43, 22-32.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bowe, J. (2017) 'Our relationship with our bodies: Reflections from bariatric surgery and the wider cultural context', Reformulation, 48, 63-65.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bradley, J. (2012) 'A Hopeful Sequential Diagrammatic Reformulation', Reformulation, 38, 13 - 15.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bradley, J. (2019) 'Incorporating mentalizing skills into Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)', Reformulation, 53, 39-42.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bradley, J. Cox, P. and Scott, J. (2016) 'A Hopeful Sequential Diagrammatic Reformulation - Four Years On', Reformulation, 46, 30-39.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bristow, J. (2004) 'The Use of the Dyad Grid in CAT - An Example', Reformulation, 21, 22 - 30.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bristow, J. (2006) 'Change of State: Learning How To Manage Unmanageable Feelings and States', Reformulation, 26, 06-Jul.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Bristow, J. and Reason, A. (2010) 'Therapeutic Change that is Dialogically Structured, Mediated by Signs, and Enabled by a Relationship - A Case Example', Reformulation, 34, 31 - 33.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Brown, H. (2010) 'Confidentiality and Good Record Keeping in CAT Therapy - A Discussion Paper', Reformulation, 34, 10-Dec.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Brown, H. and Lloyd, L. (2012) 'What is the 2005 Mental Capacity Act and how can CAT help us to make sense of the decision making process at its heart?', Reformulation, 38, 35 - 42.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Brown, H. and Msebele, N. (2011) 'Black and White Thinking: Using CAT to think about Race in the Therapeutic Space', Reformulation, 37, 58 - 62.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Brown, R. (2010) 'Situating Social Inequality And Collective Action In Cognitive Analytic Therapy', Reformulation, 35, 28 - 34.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Brown, R. (2011) 'Flowers by the Window: Imagining Moments in a Culturally and Politically Reflective CAT', Reformulation, 36, 06-Aug.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Brummer, L. and Partridge, O. (2019) 'Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) for Severe Mental Illness', Reformulation, 52, 29-31.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Buckley, M. (2016) 'Book Review: Forced Endings in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis By Anne Power', Reformulation, 47, 41-42.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Burns Lundgren, E. (2002) 'Long-distance Supervision and the Melbourne Project', Reformulation, 16, 8.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Burns-Lundgren, E. (2000) 'Re-introducing CAT to Student Counselling', Reformulation, 7.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Burns-Lundgren, E. (2004) 'Review of "Writing Cures 'An Introductory Handbook Of Writing In Counselling And Therapy'"', Reformulation, 23, 30 - 31.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Burns-Lundgren, E., Walker, M. (2008) 'The Body in Dialogue', Reformulation, 30, 18 - 19.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Calvert, P. (2014) 'Applying CAT in an Acquired Brain Injury Neuropsychology service: Challenges and Reflections', Reformulation, 42, 16-21.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Carradice, A. (2013) 'Five Session CAT' Consultancy: Using CAT to Guide Care Planning with People Diagnosed within Community Mental Health Teams: Brief Summary Report', Reformulation, 41, 15,-19.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Carradice, A. (2004) 'Applying Cognitive Analytic Therapy to Guide Indirect Working', Reformulation, 23, 18 - 23.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Carroll, R., Elia, I., Compton Dickinson, S. and Webster, M. (2005) 'Workshop Presentation Synopses from the 2005 ACAT Annual Conference', Reformulation, 24, 07-Sep.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Carson, R. and Bristow, J. (2015) 'Collaborating with Management in the NHS in difficult times', Reformulation, 44, 30-36.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Cartmell, J. (2017) 'Austerity, Power and CAT's Opportunity for Change', Reformulation, 49, 05-Jul.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Cartmell, J. (2017) 'A case study of cognitive analytic therapy with a client diagnosed with psychotic depression', Reformulation, 49, 22-27.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Casado, S. (2018) 'Are we afraid to break tradition? Cognitive Analytic Therapy's (CAT's) contribution to the treatment of sexual risk', Reformulation, 51, 26-31.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Chanen, A. (2000) 'Prevention and Early Intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder in Young People', Reformulation, 8.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Chanen, A. (2002) 'Update on The Melbourne Project - Prevention and Early Intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder', Reformulation, 17, 06-Jul.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Channer, K. and Jenaway, A. (2015) 'Audit of Factors Predicting Drop Out from Cognitive Analytic Therapy Kerrie Channer and Alison', Reformulation, 45, 33-35.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Clark, J. (2006) 'Book Review: An Intimate History of Humanity', Reformulation, 26, 18.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Clarke, S. (2001) 'A Randomised Controlled Trial of the Efficacy of CAT for the Treatment of Personality Disorder', Reformulation, 9.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Clayton, P., Burns-Lundgren, E., Ennis, S.A., Griffiths, T., Jellema, A., Mead, J. and Twist, G. (2020) 'Val Crowley by her friends in the CAT Midlands Psychotherapists Group Phil Clayton, Eva Burns-Lundgren, Sally-Anne Ennis, Tina Griffiths, Anna Jellema, Jan Mead and Graham Twist', Reformulation, 54, 53.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Clayton, P., Lloyd, J. and Murphy, N. (2020) 'Val Crowley Three reflections from the CAT learning disability special interest group Phil Clayton, Julie Lloyd, Nicola Murphy', Reformulation, 54, 51-52.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coleby, J. and Freshwater, K. (2019) 'The Idealised Care Smokescreen: How the Tools we Share can be Used to Attack', Reformulation, 52, 13-16.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Collins, J. (2010) 'The Development of a 12-Session CAT Therapy for Use in a Workplace Setting', Reformulation, 34, 13 - 16.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Collins, S. (2006) 'Don't Dis' Me!' using CAT with Young People who have Physical and Learning Disabilities', Reformulation, 27, 13 -15.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Collins, S. (2007) 'Book Review: Just War. Psychology and Terrorism', Reformulation, 28, 18 - 19.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Colomb, E. and Lloyd, J. (2012) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Dysphagia: using CAT relational mapping when teams can't swallow our recommendations', Reformulation, 39, 24 - 27.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Compton-Dickinson, S. (2018) 'Remembering Tony Ryle: Roots, re-formative experiences and a relational tale', Reformulation, 50, 28-30.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coombes, J., Dunn, M. (2010) 'Reflections on ACAT Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Course - December 2009', Reformulation, 34, 46 - 47.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coombes, J., Taylor, K. and Tristram, E. (2009) 'Research Into the Use of CAT Rating Sheets', Reformulation, 33, 28 - 29.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coulter, N. and Rushbrook, Dr S. (2012) 'Sleep Tight: Working Creatively with Dreams in CAT', Reformulation, 38, 07-Dec.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coulter, N., Rushbrook, S. (2010) 'Playfulness in CAT', Reformulation, 35, 24 - 27.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coumont, V. (2001) 'Le CAT a Paris', Reformulation, 9.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Coumont, V., Parry, G. and Evans, M. (2001) 'Personal therapy as part of CAT training', Reformulation, 9.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Craven-Staines, S. and Williams, T. (2017) 'The benefits of working with over 65s - our reflections on why the evidence base is so limited', Reformulation, 48, 32-33.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Crowley A. and Major, S. (2016) 'Obituary: Zoonia Nazir', Reformulation, 47, 43.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Crowley, V., Field, B., Lloyd, J., Morrison, P., and Varela, J. (2014) 'When the therapist is disabled', Reformulation, 42, 06-Sep.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Crowther, S. (2014) 'Helping service users understand and manage the risk: Are we part of the problem?', Reformulation, 43, 41-44.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Curran, A. (2000) 'Impressions of Finland', Reformulation, 10.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Curran, A. (2004) 'Book Review: Two Old Women by Velma Wallis', Reformulation, 22, 29.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Danon, G., Rosenblum, O. and LeNestour, A. (2001) 'The Development of Self in Early Experience: Borderline Mothers and Their Infants', Reformulation, 9.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Darongkamas, J. (2020) 'Obituary for William David 'Bill' Bell Thoughts on his passing Jurai Darongkamas for MCAT', Reformulation, 54, 49-50.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Darongkamas, J., Newell, A. Hewitt-Moran, T. and Jordan, S (2017) 'Clinical Outcomes Of Cognitive Analytic Therapy Delivered By Trainees', Reformulation, 49, 38-42.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Das, M. (2014) 'CAT and the Mind-Body Conundrum of Chronic Pain', Reformulation, 42, 29-32.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    David, C. (2009) 'CAT and People with Learning Disability: Using CAT with a 17 Year Old Girl with Learning Disability', Reformulation, 32, 21 - 25.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Davies, B. (2015) 'The Gender Dilemma..', Reformulation, 44, 10-Nov.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Davis, M.L. (2017) 'Never-ending hurt': How CAT can help inform the management of chronic pain', Reformulation, 48, 16-21.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Daykin, A. and Wildman, A. (2016) 'ACAT Conference 2016: 'Resilience in the Face of Change' Reflections on our experience organising the conference at the University of Exeter', Reformulation, 47, 35-36.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    de Normanville, J. and Kerr, I. (2003) 'Initial experience of a CAT skills certificate level training for a community mental health team working with complex and 'difficult' mental health problems (including personality disorders).', Reformulation, 18, 25 - 27.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Denman, C. (2002) 'CAT and Cognition. A Personal View and Conference Report', Reformulation, 17, 23 - 25.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dent-Brown, K. (2011) 'Six-Part Storymaking - a tool for CAT practitioners', Reformulation, 36, 34 - 36.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Diamond, N. (2005) 'Attachment, The Body and Trauma', Reformulation, 25, 25 - 26.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Donias, S. (1993) 'Validating Conceptual Aspects of the Reformulation Process in CAT', Reformulation, 11.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dower, C. (2014) 'Bringing Bodies Into Dialogue', Reformulation, 43, 15-21.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dower, C. (2004) 'Review of 'The Self-Esteem Journal: Using a Journal to Build Self-Esteem' by Alison Waines', Reformulation, 23, 29 - 30.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Doyle, J. (2000) 'Zen, Cinderella and the Art of CAT', Reformulation, 7.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (1993) 'Meditation on the Phenomena of Anxiety in CAT Clinical Training', Reformulation, 11.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (1993) 'Modern Fairy Tales: Of Vampires and Batmen', Reformulation, 11.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (1993) 'Some Subjective Ideas on the Nature of Object', Reformulation, 11, 2.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (1997) 'Do we allow CAT to have a heart? Is it soft and wet? A Response.', Reformulation, 12.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (2002) 'A CAT Approach to Gaia and The Psyche', Reformulation, 17, 20 - 22.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (2002) 'Diagrammatic Psychotherapy File', Reformulation, 16, 17.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (2002) 'To Boldy Go.. A View of CAT After 15 Years', Reformulation, 16, 05-Jun.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. (2007) 'In the Beginning was the Conversation 'Process' Spirituality and CAT', Reformulation, 29, 16 - 19.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. and Dunn, S. (2012) 'Concerning the Future of CAT and Other Relational Therapies', Reformulation, 39, Oct-13.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Dunn, M. and Ryle, A. (1993) 'Tony Ryle Briefly Interviewed by Mark Dunn', Reformulation, 11.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Editors (2015) '**Reformulation Explores A Brief Explanation of Six-Part Story Making', Reformulation, 45, 29.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (1998) 'Reciprocal Roles: Caught in the Crossfire', Reformulation, 6.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (2000) 'CAT Chat : Videos on CAT Practice and Theory : Dialogue between Tony Ryle and Mark Dunn', Reformulation, 10.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (2002) 'The Neurotic Neighbourhood', Reformulation, 17, 18 - 19.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (2004) 'Mirror, Voice and Reciprocal Role', Reformulation, 21, 06-Aug.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (2007) 'The Inner Voice Check', Reformulation, 28, 28 -29.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (2009) 'Darwin and Psychotherapy', Reformulation, 33, 9.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. (2010) 'Mirror Workshop Summary Held On The 9th July 2010', Reformulation, 35, 47.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elia, I. and Jenaway, A. (2007) 'You're driving me insane: Literature, Lyrics and Drama through CAT eyes for clients and students', Reformulation, 28, 43 - 44.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elwell, L. (2017) 'Using The Parent-Adult-Child Model Alongside CAT', Reformulation, 49, 43.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Elwell, L. (2018) 'Using the Parent-Adult-Child Model Alongside CAT', Reformulation, 51, Sep-13.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Emilion, J. (2011) 'Is three a crowd or not? Working with Interpreters in CAT', Reformulation, 36, 9.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Falchi, V. (2007) 'Using CAT in an assertive outreach team: a reflection on current issues', Reformulation, 28, Nov-17.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fawkes, L. (2002) 'In Celebration of Integration and Diversity. CAT in the West Country and Beyond', Reformulation, 17, 5.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fawkes, L. and Fretten, V. (2003) 'Two different presentations with Borderline Personality Disorder', Reformulation, 19, 32 - 39.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Field, B. (2014) 'Beyond individual therapy - Trainee practitioner reflections on the use of CAT within an Adult Community Learning Disabilities Team', Reformulation, 42, 33-37.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Finch, J. (2013) 'CAT in dialogue with Mindfulness: Thoughts on a theoretical and clinical integration', Reformulation, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fiorani C and Poggioli M (2005) 'CAT and the Cultural Formation of a Case of Anorexia Nervosa: An Italian Case Study', Reformulation, 25, 13-17.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fiorani, C. and Poggioli, M. (2011) 'The PSQ Italian Standardisation', Reformulation, 37, 49 - 52.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fiorani, C., Guidotti, S., Poggioli, M, and Verani, P. (2020) 'Italian chronicles of the Covid-19 pandemic Lived reflections on our unequal world and our precariousness in the face of Anthony Ryle's egalitarian values.', Reformulation, 54, 05-Sep.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fiorani, C., Poggioli, M. (2009) 'A Little Italian Story - Service Development', Reformulation, 32, 13 - 14.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fiorani, C., Poggioli, M., Provenzano, A., Romanelli, S., Sogni, A. (2010) 'The 'Piacentino' Context In Which We Work As Aspiring CAT Practitioners In Italy', Reformulation, 35, 06-Nov.
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    Fisher, C., Harding, C. (2009) 'Thoughts on the Rebel Role: Its Application to Challenging Behaviour in Learning Disability Services', Reformulation, 32, 04-May.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fitzsimmons, M (2000) 'A credit-card sized SDR and its use with a patient with limited language skills.', Reformulation, 8.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Ford, T.J., Roberts, J. and Pound, A. (1997) 'Outcome of Cognitive Analytic Therapy', Reformulation, 13.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Fozooni, B. (2018) 'Book Review: Cognitive Analytic Therapy and the Politics of Mental Health 2018', Reformulation, 51, 41.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Frain, H. (2011) 'Working within the Zone of Proximal Development: Reflections of a developing CAT practitioner in learning disabilities', Reformulation, 37, 06-Sep.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Freeman, E., Williams, L. (2008) 'Measuring Outcomes in CAT', Reformulation, 31, 14.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Freshwater, K. and Kerr, I. (2006) 'CAT Skills Training in Mental Health Settings', Reformulation, 26, 17 - 18.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Freshwater, K., Guthrie, J. and Bridges, A. (2017) 'The experience of staff practising 'Five Session CAT' consultancy for the first time: Preliminary findings.', Reformulation, 48, 59-62.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Freshwater, K., Tanweer, T. and Walker, W. (2017) 'Where Should We Keep Reformulation Letters?', Reformulation, 49, 08-Dec.
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    Gallagher, G., Inge, T., McNeill, R., Pretorius, W., O' Rourke, D. and Wrench, M. (2009) 'Measurements of change and their relationship to each other in the course of a CAT therapy', Reformulation, 33, 27 - 28.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Gardner, P. (2013) 'A CAT Psychotherapist in Upper West Ghana', Reformulation, 40, 41-43.
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    Gardner, P. (2005) 'The 'Fast Trauma and Phobia Cure'', Reformulation, 25, 5.
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    Gil-Rios, C., M., and Blunden, J. (2012) 'Reflections on a Dilemma in a Supervision group: Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place', Reformulation, 38, 23 - 25.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Gilbert, P. (2003) 'Working With Shame', Reformulation, 19, 13 - 15.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Goldzweig, J. (2000) 'CAT in One Session', Reformulation, 10.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Gopfert, M. and Barnes, B. (1995) 'The Therapeutic Relationship and Therapy Outcome', Reformulation, 3.
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    Gray, L. (2013) 'Disappointingly Different? Perhaps not..', Reformulation, 41, 21 - 25.
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    Gray, M (2014) 'A Dog in the World of ACAT', Reformulation, 43, Nov-14.
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    Gray, M. (2013) 'Three linked things: Bodies', Reformulation, 40, 40.
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    Gray, M. (2006) 'Musings on Doing CAT with Couples', Reformulation, 27, 29 -31.
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    Gray, M. and Falzon, M. (2013) 'CAT as a bridge between confusion and psychoanalytic thought', Reformulation, 41, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
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    Greenfield, T. (2016) 'Reflections on the Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential Training', Reformulation, 47, 39-40.
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    Greenhill, B. (2011) '"They have behaviour, we have relationships?"', Reformulation, 37, Oct-15.
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    Greenhill, B., Roberts, A. and Swarbrick, R. (2013) 'We need decent people as well as decent laws':', Reformulation, 40, 18- 25.
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    Gregory, C. (2020) 'Therapeutic Creativity and the Therapist's Zone of Proximal Development', Reformulation, 54, 54-57.
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    Gregory, C. and Wilde McCormick. E. (2019) 'Poetry and Cognitive Analytic Therapy', Reformulation, 52, 33-35.
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    Hamill, M. and 'Rosie' (2016) 'Goodbye Letters', Reformulation, 46, 19-21.
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    Harbour, K. and Nehmad, A. (1995) 'CAT For The Elderly', Reformulation, 14.
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    Harris, Y. (2000) 'Race and CAT', Reformulation, 7.
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    Harvey, L (1993) 'On TP and TPP Rating Sheets', Reformulation, 11.
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    Harvey, L. (1993) 'Towards a Greater Acceptance of the Cognitive in CAT', Reformulation, 4.
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    Harvey, L. (1994) 'CAT and Eating Disorders', Reformulation, 15.
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    Harvey, L. (2008) 'Silence in Practice', Reformulation, 30, Nov-13.
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    Hayward, M., McCurrie, C. (2008) 'Metaprocedures in Normal Development and in Therapy', Reformulation, 30, 42 - 45.
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    Hepple, J. (2012) 'Relationships in Microcosm in Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Based on a workshop given at the 2012 ACAT Conference in Manchester', Reformulation, 39, 35 - 38.
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    Hepple, J. (2013) 'Darren Deene - The Naughtiest Boy in School', Reformulation, 41, 20.
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    Hepple, J. (2001) 'Borderline Traits and Dissociated States in Later Life', Reformulation, 9.
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    Hepple, J. (2003) 'Developing a Language for the Psychotherapy of Later Life', Reformulation, 20, 10-Dec.
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    Hepple, J. (2018) 'CAT Reflective Practice Groups', Reformulation, 51, 22-25.
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    Hepple, J. (2006) 'Developing a Language for the Psychotherapy of Later Life', Reformulation, 27, 23 - 28.
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    Hepple, J. (2009) 'Dialogue and Desire: Michael Bakhtin and the Linguistic Turn in Psychotherapy by Rachel Pollard', Reformulation, 33, 10-Nov.
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    Hepple, J. (2010) 'A Little Bit Of Bakhtin - From Inside To Outside And Back Again', Reformulation, 35, 17 - 18.
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    Hepple, J. (2011) 'The Chicken and the Egg', Reformulation, 37, 19.
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    Hepple, J. and Bowdrey, S. (2015) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy in an Open Dialogic Group - Adaptations and Advantages', Reformulation, 45, 16-19.
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    Hill, L. (2015) 'CAT and Obesity: My Reflections', Reformulation, 45, 08-Sep.
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    Hobson, J. (2004) 'Book Review: Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self Destructive Habits: Lorraine Bell', Reformulation, 21, 32.
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    Holt, L. (2017) 'Perfectly Imperfect: Reflections of a Newly Qualified Clinical Psychologist in using CAT to Explore the Relational Contribution to Binge Eating', Reformulation, 49, 28-32.
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    Howe, L. (2013) 'The ethical implications of social class in the practice of CAT', Reformulation, 40, 36 - 39.
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    Howells, L. (2019) 'Split-Egg Fantasies: Incorporating Fantasy into a Developmental Model of CAT', Reformulation, 52, 36-40.
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    Hubbuck, J. (2008) 'Draft States of Mind Inventory', Reformulation, 31, 15 - 25.
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    Hubbuck, J. (2008) 'The States Description Procedure', Reformulation, 30, 46 - 53.
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    Hughes, R. (2013) 'Integrating Art Psychotherapy and Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)', Reformulation, 40, 44 - 49.
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    Hughes, R. (2018) 'Psychosexual Assessment, Intervention and Cognitive Analytic Therapy Treatment', Reformulation, 51, 05-Aug.
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    Hughes, R. (2008) 'Plugging in and Letting Go: the Use of Art in CAT', Reformulation, 30, 09-Oct.
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    Hughes, R. (2011) 'Dear Reformulation', Reformulation, 36, 22.
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    Hughes, R. (2011) 'Comment on James Turner's article on Verbal and Pictorial Metaphor in CAT', Reformulation, 37, 24 - 25.
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    Jacobs. M. (2018) 'Pragmatism: from Psychoanalysis to CAT', Reformulation, 50, 27.
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    Jameson, P. (2014) 'CAT and CFT - Complementary in the treatment of shame?', Reformulation, 43, 37-40.
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    Jefferis, S. (2011) 'Memoirs, Myths and Movies: Using Books & Film in Cognitive Analytic Therapy', Reformulation, 36, 29 - 33.
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    Jellema A (2006) 'CAT in the North-East of England', Reformulation, 26, 19.
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    Jellema, A. (2001) 'CAT and Attachment Theory: A Reply to Tony Ryle', Reformulation, 9.
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    Jellema, A. (2001) '"Doing CAT" versus "Using CAT"', Reformulation, 9.
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    Jellema, A. (2018) 'The Genius of Tony Ryle - Past, Present and Future', Reformulation, 50, 05-Aug.
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    Jellema, A. (2005) 'An Animal Living in a World of Symbols', Reformulation, 25, 06-Dec.
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    Jellema, A., Crowley, V., Griffiths, T., Twist, G. and Gray, S. (2003) 'Developing and Promoting CAT in the NHS - Problems and Possibilities', Reformulation, 18, 13 - 15.
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    Jellicoe, H. (2013) 'A Reformulation of ACAT Code of Ethics and Practice and Equal Opportunities Policy?', Reformulation, 40, 6, 7, 8.
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    Jenaway, A. (2013) 'Change your Parenting for the Better - exploring CAT as a parenting intervention', Reformulation, 41, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.
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    Jenaway, A. (2017) 'An Alternative Psychotherapy File', Reformulation, 49, 48.
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    Jenaway, A. (2018) 'Tony Ryle's appetite for Debate, and how it led to New Developments in the Co-creation of Reformulation Letters: Empowering to empowered?', Reformulation, 50, Dec-14.
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    Jenaway, A. (2018) 'Meet a Trustee Robert Watson, Vice-Chair of ACAT', Reformulation, 51, 39.
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    Jenaway, A. (2006) 'CAT with Teenagers and Teenagers Leaving Care', Reformulation, 26, 03-Apr.
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    Jenaway, A. (2007) 'Using Cognitive Analytic Therapy with parents: some theory and a case report', Reformulation, 29, Dec-15.
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    Jenaway, A. (2008) 'The 'Human Givens' Fast Trauma and Phobia Cure', Reformulation, 30, 14 - 15.
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    Jenaway, A. (2009) 'The Big Debate - Health Professions Council', Reformulation, 33, 7.
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    Jenaway, A. (2009) 'K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple. Stupid) - Reflections on Using CAT with Adolescents and a Couple of Case Examples', Reformulation, 33, 13 - 16.
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    Jenaway, A. (2010) 'What Happens After 'Happy Ever After'?', Reformulation, 34, 08-Sep.
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    Jenaway, A. (2011) 'Whose Reformulation is it Anyway?', Reformulation, 37, 26 - 29.
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    Jenaway, A. (2011) 'Using Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Medically Unexplained Symptoms - some theory and initial outcomes', Reformulation, 37, 53 - 55.
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    Jenaway, A. and Rattigan, N. (2011) 'Using a template to draw diagrams in Cognitive Analytic Therapy', Reformulation, 36, 46 - 48.
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    Jenaway, A. Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy and 'Nick', Service User and Expert by Experience (2016) 'Incorporating Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) into Cognitive Analytic Therapy - Reaching Reciprocal Roles that other therapies cannot reach', Reformulation, 47, 21-28.
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    Jenaway, A., Lloyd, J. (2008) 'Consent to Publish in Reformulation', Reformulation, 30, 7.
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    Jenaway, A., Mortlock, D. (2008) 'Service Innovation', Reformulation, 30, 31 - 32.
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    Jenaway, Dr A. (2010) 'Book Review: Self-Harm Assessment in Young People - A Therapeutic Assessment manual By Dennis Ougrin, Tobias Zundel and Audrey V. Ng Published by Hodder Arnold, 2010', Reformulation, 34, 49.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    John, Dr C., Darongkamas, J. (2009) 'Reflections on Our Experience of Running a Brief 10-Week Cognitive Analytic Therapy Group', Reformulation, 32, 15 - 19.
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    Johnson, L. (2013) 'Reflecting on my first placement - A CAT understanding to illustrate learning', Reformulation, 41, 9.
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    Jones, A. and Childs, D. (2007) 'Reformulating the NHS reforms', Reformulation, 28, 07-Oct.
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    Kellett, S. (2004) 'Process Issues in Conducting CAT with Dissociative Identity Disorder', Reformulation, 23, Nov-15.
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    Kenward, L. (2019) 'The Cheshire CAT: Reflections on 'Rabbit Holes'', Reformulation, 52, 41-43.
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    Kenward, L. (2020) 'What's in a name? The power of power, narrative, and naming things that are so numerous we no longer see them', Reformulation, 54, 35-37.
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    Kerr, I. (2000) 'CAT in Australia', Reformulation, 7.
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    Kerr, I. (2002) 'Reflections on the Publication of "Introduction to CAT theory and practice"', Reformulation, 16, 07-Aug.
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    Kerr, I.B. (2016) 'Tony Ryle: A Personal Appreciation and Obituary', Reformulation, 47, 05-Jun.
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    Kerr, I.B. (2018) 'Tony Ryle: A personal appreciation and obituary', Reformulation, 50, 31-32.
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    Kimber-Rogal, N. (2008) 'My Life in Pictures OCD and CAT', Reformulation, 31, Jul-13.
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    Kimber-Rogal, N. (2008) 'Relationships and CAT', Reformulation, 31, 28 - 29.
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    Kimber-Rogal, N. and Yorke, L. (2015) 'Invitation to Write for Reformulation', Reformulation, 45, 28.
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    King, R. (2000) 'CAT and Learning Disability', Reformulation, 7.
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    King, R. (2005) 'CAT, the Therapeutic Relationship and Working with People with Learning Disability', Reformulation, 24, Oct-14.
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    Kingerlee, R. (2004) 'The Procedure Tracking Form (PTF): A Possible New Tool for CAT', Reformulation, 22, 25 - 27.
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    Kirkland, J (2010) 'When I'm The Dark Angel I Feel Worthless And Don't Deserve Love'', Reformulation, 35, 19 - 23.
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    Kirkland, J. Potter, S. and Affleck, D. (2014) 'Dear Homeland: CAT At The Edinburgh Festival', Reformulation, 43, 09-Oct.
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    Knight, A. (2008) 'Clinical Implications for the Pregnant CAT Therapist', Reformulation, 30, 38 - 41.
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    Knight, M. (2004) 'The Big Issue - Report from UKCP', Reformulation, 21, 31.
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    Lalayiannis, L. (2019) 'Reflecting on working with palliative cancer patients through a CAT 'lens' with a focus on reciprocal roles', Reformulation, 52, 17-22.
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    Lam, R., Louise Yorke, L., Copeland, A., Cronin, D. and Hopkins, V. (2019) 'Relational peer groups and the strength of the working alliance in Inter Regional Advanced Psychotherapy Training [IRRAPT] Programme: a qualitative study', Reformulation, 53, 25-34.
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    Lawson, C. (2000) 'Research into Supervision', Reformulation, 7.
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    Leiman, M. (1993) 'The Problem of Relating TPs and TPPs', Reformulation, 11.
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    Leiman, M. (1993) 'Words as Interpsychological Mediators of Psychotherapuetic Discourse', Reformulation, 100.
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    Leiman, M. (1997) 'Early Signs of Dialogical Sequences in CAT', Reformulation, 12.
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    Leiman, M. (2018) 'Memories from a pre-CAT Time', Reformulation, 50, 16-17.
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    Liddiard, K. (2020) 'Tyler's Story. Cognitive Analytic Informed Therapy within a Secure Care Setting', Reformulation, 54, 31-34.
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    Llewellyn, S. and Cooper, M. (2004) 'What Do Cognitive Approaches Have To Contribute To CAT?', Reformulation, 22, 20 - 24.
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    Lloyd, J,. and Clayton, P. (2014) 'BOOK REVIEW: Cognitive Analytic Therapy for people with intellectual disabilities and their carers', Reformulation, 42, 10-Nov.
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    Lloyd, J. (2019) 'Trauma, Trauma and More Trauma: CAT and Trauma in Learning Disability', Reformulation, 52, 44-46.
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    Lloyd, J. (2007) 'Case Study on Z not as Impossible as we had Thought', Reformulation, 28, 31 - 39.
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    Lloyd, J. (2009) 'Threats to Clinical Psychology from the CBT Stranglehold', Reformulation, 33, 08-Sep.
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    Lloyd, J. (2009) 'When Happy is not the Only Feeling: Implications for Accessing Psychological Therapy', Reformulation, 33, 24 - 25.
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    Lloyd, J. (2009) 'Book Review of: Beatrice Beebe and Frank Lachmann (2002). Infant Research and Adult Treatment: Co-constructing Interactions. Published London: Analytic Press.', Reformulation, 32, 34 - 35.
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    Lloyd, J. and Williams, B. (2003) 'Reciprocal Roles and the 'Unspeakable Known': Exploring CAT within Services for People with Learning Disabilities', Reformulation, 19, 19 - 25.
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    Maldo Castillo, J. and Blakeley, J. (2018) 'Entering the Antisocial Arena: A Cognitive Analytic Kaleidoscope', Reformulation, 51, 32-34.
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    Manson, K. Lad, S. and Cavieres, M. (2017) 'Developing a CAT understanding of Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD)', Reformulation, 48, 42-48.
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    Marriott, M. and Kellett, S. (2007) 'Generating Practice-Based Evidence for CAT', Reformulation, 28, 40 - 42.
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    Marshall, J., Freshwater, K. and Potter, S. (2013) 'Adaptions of a CAT skills course', Reformulation, 41, 6, 7, 8.
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    Marx, R., King, J., Kylie, Wilson-Verrall, M., Spencer, K. and J McDonald, A. J. (2017) 'On Learning From Our Patients: Reformulating CAT Training', Reformulation, 49, 13-18.
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    Marzillier, J. (1997) 'Reading Scott Fitzgerald: Literature and the psychology of narcissism', Reformulation, 12.
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    McCombie, C., Petit, A. (2011) 'An audit of Goodbye Letters written by clients in Cognitive Analytic Therapy', Reformulation, 36, 42 - 45.
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    McCormack, M., Swarbrick, B., and Greenhill, B. (2014) 'Bringing sexuality into dialogue using a CAT approach to the sexual rights and sexual relationships of people with Intellectual Difficulties', Reformulation, 42, 22-28.
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    McCormick, E. (1995) 'Do We Allow CAT To Have A Heart - And If We Do, Does This Make It Soft And Wet?', Reformulation, 101.
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    McCormick, L. (2008) 'CAT and the Media', Reformulation, 31, 6.
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    McCutcheon, L. (2010) 'Australia and New Zealand Unites Again; This Time to Consolidate the Promotion & Practice of CAT in the Region', Reformulation, 34, 50.
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    McLoughlin, J. and Bell, B. (2015) 'Inigo Tolosa - Obituary', Reformulation, 45, 36-8.
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    McManniman, S. (2020) 'Violence against women - a role for CAT', Reformulation, 54, 27-30.
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    McNeill, R. (2009) 'IRRAPT 2007-9 Research Projects', Reformulation, 33, 26.
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    Melton, J. (1995) 'The Impact of Different Views of God in Therapy: Healing or Perpetuating the Split in the Split Egg', Reformulation, 3.
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    Melton, J. (2010) 'Accessible Snags', Reformulation, 35, 40.
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    Mirapeix, C., Landin, S. and Alvarez, V. (2004) 'A Cognitive Analytic Multicomponent Psychotherapy Program, for the Treatment of Severe Personality Disorders in an Intensive Outpatient Unit.', Reformulation, 21, Oct-13.
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    Mitzman, S. F. (2010) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy and the Role of Brief Assessment and Contextual Reformulation: The Jigsaw Puzzle of Offending', Reformulation, 34, 26 - 30.
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    Moon, L. (2015) 'My Experience of Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) within a Secure Forensic Setting', Reformulation, 45, Dec-15.
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    Moran, C. (2019) 'The Sense of an Ending' - Death and Endings in CAT', Reformulation, 52, 23-25.
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    Morgan, S. (2018) 'A Case Example of CAT with a Person who Experiences Symptoms of Psychosis', Reformulation, 51, 35-38.
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    Morris, P. (1995) 'Blunt Thoughts about Sharpening the File', Reformulation, 14.
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    Moss M. and Tanner, C. (2013) 'CAT as a model for development of leadership skills', Reformulation, 41, 11, 12, 13, 14.
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    Moss, A. (2007) 'The Application of CAT to Working with People with Learning Disabilities', Reformulation, 28, 20 - 27.
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    Mulhall, J. (2013) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) and (Open) Groups with Adolescents within an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting: Initial Thoughts and Experiences', Reformulation, 41, 37, 38, 39.
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    Mulhall, J. (2015) 'A CAT Informed Approach to a Time-Limited (Closed) Group within an Adolescent Inpatient Setting', Reformulation, 45, 20-28.
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    Mulhall, J. (2010) 'Thoughts and Experiences of the Application of Cognitive Analytic Therapy to Clinical Work with Adolescents', Reformulation, 34, 34 - 36.
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    Murphy, N. (2008) 'CAT Used Therapeutically and Contextually', Reformulation, 30, 26 - 30.
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    Nehmad, A. (1993) 'CAT and its Relationships to Non-CAT - Preliminary Thoughts About Annalee's Diagram', Reformulation, 4.
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    Nehmad, A. (1997) 'The Essence of Effective Psychotherapy: Reflections of a CAT Therapist learning Solution Focussed Brief Therapy', Reformulation, 12.
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    Nehmad, A. (1997) 'Narcissism destructive and disowned: Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida', Reformulation, 12.
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    Nehmad, A. (1997) 'CAT and Narcissism: The Missing Chapter', Reformulation, 12.
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    Nehmad, A. (1997) 'Beyond State Shifts - Metashifts', Reformulation, 13.
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    Nehmad, A. (2010) 'A Suggested New Diagrammatic Formulation for Narcissists', Reformulation, 35, 44.
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    Nevison, C. (2000) 'The Experience Of The Psychiatric Interview Following Self-Harm', Reformulation, 7.
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    Newell, A., Garrihy, A., Morgan, K., Raymond, C., and Gamble, H. (2009) 'Recieving a CAT Reformulation Letter: What Makes a Good Experience?', Reformulation, 33, 29.
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    Nield, C. (2020) 'A dialogue: in response to moving on from face to face to online therapy', Reformulation, 54, 15.
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    Nuttall, S. and Scott Stewart, M. (2004) 'Naming or Shaming?', Reformulation, 21, 3.
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    O'Brien, C. (2004) 'Public Expectations of CAT', Reformulation, 22, 5.
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    O'Mara, O. (2013) 'The Awkward Silence - Ethics of Withholding Information', Reformulation, 40, Sep-13.
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    Pantke, R. (2003) 'The ACAT Practice Research Network: What are ACAT Members' Views About What Constitutes a Minimum Dataset?', Reformulation, 18, 28.
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    Parker, C. (2018) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Distinctive Features (2018)', Reformulation, 51, 42.
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    Parkinson, R. (2020) 'From face to face to online: thoughts on the experience of a rapid change of practice', Reformulation, 54, Dec-14.
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    Parkinson, R. (2008) 'The Development of the Sequential Diagrammatic Reformulation', Reformulation, 30, 33 - 37.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Perry, A. (2012) 'CAT with People who Hear Distressing Voices', Reformulation, 38, 16 - 22.
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    Petratou, V. (2019) 'The House of Self States [HOSS]: Using a creative integrative and containing mapping technique across the therapies', Reformulation, 53, 06-Sep.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Pettit, A. (2012) 'Exploring whether the 6 Part Story Method is a valuable tool to identify victims of bullying in people with Down's Syndrome', Reformulation, 39, 28 - 34.
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    Poggioli, M. (2011) 'Book Review: "Why love matters - How affection shapes the baby's brain" by Sue Gerhardt', Reformulation, 37, 43.
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    Poggioli, M. and Fiorani, C. (2018) 'Fond Memories Of Someone We Were Lucky To Have Met', Reformulation, 50, 26.
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    Pollard, C. (1997) 'Narcissism: From Kohut to CAT', Reformulation, 12.
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    Pollard, R. (2011) 'Book Review: Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Revolutions in Subjectivity', Reformulation, 36, 23 - 28.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Pollard, R. (2012) 'Great Time: From Blade Runner to Bakhtin', Reformulation, 38, 32 - 34.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Pollard, R. (2012) 'Book Review: Post Existentialism and the Psychological Therapies: Towards a therapy without foundations', Reformulation, 39, 43.
    Full Text Link: Click here to View this Article

    Pollard, R. (2014) 'Inaugural meeting of the UK - Palestine Mental Health Network', Reformulation, 42, 51.
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    Pollard, R. (2001) 'Research and Cognitive Analytic Therapy: What do we need to know?', Reformulation, 9.
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    Pollard, R. (2001) 'Some of the Historical and Cultural Background to the Self', Reformulation, 9.
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    Pollard, R. (2003) 'Book Review: 'Language for those who have nothing. Mikhail Bakhtin and the Landscape of Psychiatry' Peter Good (2001)', Reformulation, 19, 40 - 43.
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    Wilde McCormick, E. (2011) 'Book Review: The Mindfulness Manifesto', Reformulation, 36, 28.
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    Wilton, A. (1995) 'A Study of Birth Stories and Their Relevance for CAT', Reformulation, 3.
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    Sutton, L. (2004) 'Cultures of care in severe depression and dementia', In Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life, Hepple, J. & Sutton, L. , 201-220.
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    Sutton, L. and Cheston, R. (1997) 'Rewriting the story of dementia: A narrative approach to psychotherapy with people with dementia', In State of the Art in Dementia Care, Marshall, M. .
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    Sutton, L. and Leiman, M. (2004) 'The development of the dialogical self in CAT: a fresh perspective on ageing', In Cognitive Analytic therapy and Later Life, Hepple, J. & Sutton, L. .
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    Tanner, C. and Connan, F. (2003) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy', In Handbook of Eating Disorders, Second Edition, Treasure, J., Schmidt, U. And van Furth, E. , 279-289.
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    Taylor, P.J. and Seddon, C. (2020) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) for psychosis: Contrasts and parallels with attachment theory and implications for practice', In Attachment theory and psychosis: Current perspectives and future directions , Berry, K., Bucci, S. and Danquah, A., 161-443.
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    DOI Link:

    Tinker, M. (2018) 'Why hate matters: An introduction to Rene Girard's theories of mimesis and the scapegoat mechanism and their relevance to CAT theory and practice', In CAT and the politics of mental health , Lloyd, J and Pollard, R.
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    Trijsburg, R.M., Colijn, S. and Holmes, J. (2005) 'Psychotherapy Integration', In Oxford textbook of psychotherapy, Gabbard G., 95-107.
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    Twigg, S. (2012) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy', In The Pocket Guide to Therapy: A 'How to' of the Core Models, Weatherhead, S. and Flaherty-Jones, G. .
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    Varela, J. (2014) 'Formulating and Working Therapeutically with the Concept of Intellectual Disability in The Cognitive Analytic Therapy Model ', In CAT with people with intellectual disabilities and their carers, Clayton, P. and Lloyd, J.
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    Wallace, W. (2018) 'Immorality, illegality and pathology: the sex and gender knots', In CAT and the politics of mental health , Lloyd, J and Pollard, R.
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    Welch, L. (2018) 'The madness of money: the super-rich, economic inequality and mental health', In CAT and the politics of mental health , Lloyd, J and Pollard, R.
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    Westacott, M. (2006) 'A case of dissociative murder', In Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Offenders: A New Approach to Forensic Psychotherapy, Pollock, P.H., Stowell-Smith, M. and Gopfert, M. , 273-282.
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    DOI Link:

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    Wilberforce, D. (2014) 'The problems of caring and Being Cared For (or How to Get Your Shoelaces Tied For You)', In CAT with people with intellectual disabilities and their carers, Clayton, P. and Lloyd, J.
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    Wilde McCormick E. (2000) 'The Therapeutic Relationship', In Transpersonal psychotherapy : theory and practice, Wellings N., and Wilde McCormick E., 20-51.
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    Williams, D. (2006) 'Borderline sexuality: sexually addictive behaviour in the context of a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.', In Sex, mind, and emotion: Innovation in Psychological Theory and Practice, Hiller, J., Wood, H. and Bolton, W. .
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    Willis, A. (2010) 'Cognitive analytic therapy with young adult offenders', In Psychological therapy in prisons and other secure settings, Warr, J. , 102-373.
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    Wills, F. (2006) 'Cognitive Therapy: A Down-to-earth and Accessible Approach', In Contracts in counselling and psychotherapy (2nd ed.), Sills, C., 41-51.
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    DOI Link:

    Withers, J. (2010) 'Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT): A Treatment Approach for Treating People with Severe Personality Disorder', In Using Time, Not Doing Time: Practitioner Perspectives on Personality Disorder and Risk, Withers, J. (2010), 81-94.
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    DOI Link:

    Wood, H. (2006) 'Psychoanalytically informed CAT: a first treatment for problems of sexual relationships', In Sex, Mind, and Emotion: Innovation in Psychological Theory and Practice, Hiller, J., Wood, H. and Bolton, W. , 249-272.
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    Wyner, R. and Gopfert, M. [Ed] (2006) 'In the light of experience.', In Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Offenders: A New Approach to Forensic Psychotherapy, Pollock, P.H., Stowell-Smith, M. and Gopfert, M. .
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ACAT Calendar for July
33rd July 2024
CAT Introductory Event: An Introduction to Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) - offered by Catalyse
99th July 2024
CPD Event: A Beginner’s Guide to Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Practitioner and Service User Perspectives
1818th July 2024
ACAT Annual Conference: ACAT National Conference 2024
1919th July 2024
ACAT AGM: Annual General Meeting
2727th July 2024
CPD Event: How to run a successful private practice: all you need to know - offered by Become Psychology

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ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

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