Accessible Snags

Melton, J., 2010. Accessible Snags. Reformulation, Winter, p.40.

Has anyone else found that some patients don’t quite know how to understand the questions about snags on the Psychotherapy file?
In order to help them I have evolved some examples of common snags to check whether they identify with these or have others of their own. For anyone who may find the list I came up with useful, here it is.

Common Snags

As if my gain / success would:

  • deprive others, because there is not enough to go round.
  • make others envious, so I fear attack or rejection.
  • damage others in some way.
  • be bound to be spoiled / taken away, so I give it up first.
  • be undeserved.
  • never be enough.
  • set a standard I can’t keep up.
  • be too much for me.
  • cost what I don’t want to give up, so I resist moving forward.
  • give others satisfaction I want to withhold, in order to keep the power for myself.

Full Reference

Melton, J., 2010. Accessible Snags. Reformulation, Winter, p.40.

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