CAT in Australia

Kerr, I., 2000. CAT in Australia. Reformulation, ACAT News Spring, p.x.

A new CAT-based research project aiming at early intervention and ‘indicated prevention’ for emerging personality disorder in young adults (aged 15-25) has been initiated, in conjunction with a CAT distance training programme, by the Young Adults Service in the Department of Psychiatry at The University of Melbourne under the initiative there of Dr Andrew Chanen. A group a four therapists in the department will be trained up during the course of the work.

The project will take the form of a randomised, controlled trial for which they have already obtained funding and which is now about to proceed. An initial, intensive one-week training workshop was conducted in January by Ian Kerr in Melbourne and further distance supervision will be undertaken by Tony Ryle, aided and abetted by a small team in the UK. A one day open workshop was also held during the week in Melbourne and attracted an audience of 50 or so at short notice.

This appeared to be well received, with considerable interest expressed in CAT and in the possibility of further such events. This project appears an exciting development both in terms of the novelty of the ‘preventive’ intervention it will be undertaking and also in terms of extending the formal evidence base for CAT. It will also have the effect of establishing a group of possible future CAT trainers in Australia which in itself will be good news. Anyone interested in learning more about this project or possibly becoming involved in some way would be welcome to contact either Tony Ryle or Ian Kerr.

Ian Kerr

Tony Ryle

Full Reference

Kerr, I., 2000. CAT in Australia. Reformulation, ACAT News Spring, p.x.

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