Letter from the Editors

Hepple, J., Lloyd, J., 2010. Letter from the Editors. Reformulation, Summer, p.3.

As new co-editors we have been very pleased with the response to our request for material and hope that you find this edition choicely packed with interesting articles and features; some quite meaty, others more light and frothy. To pick out just a few of the highlights: In ‘Words with Arrows’, Steve Potter offers an important description of how to work collaboratively in CAT at every opportunity in the sessions (and not just when addressing the CAT tools). At the CAT South meeting recently, Tony Ryle said something like ‘the purpose of the CAT tools is to encourage the therapist to work collaboratively’; Steve is encouraging us to look for every opportunity to ‘do with’ the client and describes a versatile style that we hope you will find both original and familiar. Rebecca Swarbrick and Karen Shannon have used CAT ideas to formulate bi-polar disorder; a condition that is often poorly understood and can have a devastating impact on the lives of sufferers and their carers.

Tony himself has treated us to his reflections on the terrifying motto to ‘Obey them that have the rule over you’ (perhaps the new NHS logo?) he actually came across in a seventeenth century fresco in Burton Church… Australia and New Zealand celebrate the founding of ANZACAT. Finally, Alison Jennaway takes us on a pantomime outing with her reformulation of a couple of characters you will find familiar (as long as you finish reading this by midnight, that is). Please keep the contributions coming and don’t forget the Conference in July that looks to be an exciting couple of days.

Full Reference

Hepple, J., Lloyd, J., 2010. Letter from the Editors. Reformulation, Summer, p.3.

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