CAT Publications Updates

Tony Ryle, 2004. CAT Publications Updates. Reformulation, Autumn, p.23.

None since the summer number. Authors: Please notify me at

Contemporary Journals Articles of potential interest to CAT

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

S Timimi and E.Taylor (2004) ADHD is best understood as a cultural construct British Journal of Psychiatry 184, 8-9 Two child psychiatrists argue pro and con the motion.


T.B.Ustun et al. (2004) Global burden olf depressive disorders in the year 2000 British Journal of Psychiatry 184, 386-394. A global epidemiological survey of disability which finds depression to be the fourth most common cause.

N.Kennedy et al. (2004) Longitudinal syndromal and sub-syndromal symptoms after severe depression: 10-year follow-up study. British Journal of Psychiatry 184, 330-336. After severe depression patients continued to have fl uctuating levels of less severe symptoms throughout the 10 years. Proudfoot et al.(2004) Clinical efficacy of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety and depression in primary care: randomised controlled trial.

British Journal of Psychiatry 185, 46-54.
Patients were randomised between continuing GP care and an interactive, multimedia, computerised, cognitive-behavioural therapy package of 8 therapy sessions with customised interventions and homework. The intervention group did significantly better according to four self-report questionnaires repeated up to 8 months. The authors (two of whom are ‘minority partners’ in and two ‘occasional consultants’ to the firm selling the package) conclude that this is a widely applicable treatment.

They do not emphasise that nearly one third of patients approached refused to take part and of those who did nearly a fifth failed to attend for follow-up, they do not discuss how far the effect might be non-specific in that only patients in the intervention group were getting something specific and entirely different and they do not consider whether the improvement is stable, given the fl uctuating nature of ‘depression’. But it is probably the case that the brief basic behavioural package did have an effect

Full Reference

Tony Ryle, 2004. CAT Publications Updates. Reformulation, Autumn, p.23.

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CAT Publications Updates
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Wilde McCormick, E., 2004. Mindfulness and CAT. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.5-10.

Process Issues in Conducting CAT with Dissociative Identity Disorder
Kellett, S., 2004. Process Issues in Conducting CAT with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.11-15.

Psycho-Social Checklist
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Training Feedback
Sarah Lucas, Rachel Pollard and Anna Jellema, 2004. Training Feedback. Reformulation, Autumn, p.27.


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