Letter from the Editors

Elia, I., Jenaway, A., 2008. Letter from the Editors. Reformulation, Summer, p.3.

For a change this year, the summer edition has been prepared in glorious sunshine, much too hot to be slaving away over a computer! In spite of this, we have had a flood of articles. So thanks to all of our contributors for your hard work. The Conference this year was a feast of different perspectives, from those outside the CAT community and also some of our own home grown innovators. For those of you who were unable to make it, we have several brief descriptions of the workshops that were on offer. The Annual General Meeting was held at the same event, and most of you will know already that ACAT has a new Chairperson in the shape of Mark Westacott. Congratulations to Mark we wish him well. He has written a letter for this issue.

As far as the other articles go, there is definitely a developmental feel to this issue, going right back to the womb! We have a personal reflection on being a pregnant CAT therapist, an exploration of those confusing “level 2 procedures” that some of us have never quite got the hang of, and also a historical review of how the SDR was born and its early years. There is also a case report of using CAT with someone with Asperger’s syndrome, an audit of using CAT with adolescents, and a write up of one of the learning disability special interest group meetings about the struggles of working within the patient’s system of care rather than as an isolated individual therapist. This last article, from what seems to be the most “mature” and thriving of our special interest groups, has an important message for us as a community of therapists. As CAT, itself, grows up as a therapy and becomes more confident in exploring new areas of work, there will be a tension between keeping it pure and traditional and the new ways of working required for new situations and client groups. Hopefully, we are all mature enough to tolerate, and even enjoy, the challenges and debates that this will lead to in the future. If you are challenged by anything in this issue, or want to start a debate, do write to us. Letters are as welcome as full articles.

We would also like to announce our imminent retirement as editors. We had planned to finish after 10 issues and this is our seventh, so please do think about whether you would like to take on the role in a year or so. It is not too onerous because Jon Sloper does so much of the final tweaking and preparation for printing – thank you again to Jon for his work on this issue.

Best wishes,
Alison Jenaway
Irene Elia

Full Reference

Elia, I., Jenaway, A., 2008. Letter from the Editors. Reformulation, Summer, p.3.

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