Cambridge [Kathrin Hicks]

Know all the theories, matser all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul, be just another human soul. (Carl Gustav Jung)

I am a clinical psychologist and a CAT therapist offering therapy in Cambridge.

Therapy offers the opportunity to have someone walk alongside you, perhaps while you are negotiating particular transitions and challenges, so that you can (re)connect to your innate capacity to heal and grow.

I have studied many theories and mastered various techniques (more on this below), but ultimately I aim to meet you, human-to-human, as we navigate the tricky business of living.

I qualified as a clinical psychologist in 2006, having previously obtained a 1st in Social and Political Sciences (BA) and a research-based MSc, both from the University of Cambridge. My post qualification experience encompasses a wide variety of settings, which reflects my curiosity and desire to learn. In recent years I have worked with people with a range of physical health conditions, previously at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and now at the cancer charity Maggie’s. Prior to this, I worked in a community brain injury service, an inpatient mental health ward, a university staff counselling service and, during Covid, set up and ran a staff support service for the Emergency Department at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. This breadth of experience a has allowed me to see beyond diagnostic categories like anxiety, depression, phobias and so on, appreciating the more complex dynamics that underlie such symptoms.

My therapeutic approach is rooted in Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I have a particular interest in the question of what it means to live our lives meaningfully and well. I believe that growth and change arise from understanding and connection, so I focus on creating a space to explore how things are with you right now, how they came to be this way, and how you would like them to be different. To complement this exploratory approach, I offer practical tools and interventions to tackle unhelpful relational patterns and process difficult or stuck experiences.

If this approach resonates with you, I would love to hear from you. I offer a free initial 20 minute consultation to help us decide whether we are a good fit for each other. Please note that I currently offer appointments only on Mondays.


Phone Number: 07955 798604



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