Durham and Newcastle [Melanie Lee]

Hi, I'm Mel Lee (nee Davis) and am an experienced Clinical Psychologist and qualified CAT Practitioner in private practice within the Durham and Newcastle areas. I have 13 years of experience working with adults within the NHS, and have a specialist interest in psychological difficulties in relation to physical health presentations, including chronic pain. 

I love working with the CAT Model and its focus on relationships, and would welcome enquiries to discuss possible avenues for help and support for a range of psychological problems including anxiety, depression, trauma, managing physical health conditions, sleep problems, acceptance and adjustment, and stress-related problems. 

Please get in touch on 0191 580 5870 or email melanie.lee@trustpsychology.co.uk. You can also find out more via my website: www.trustpsychology.co.uk

I offer flexible working hours including daytime, evenings and weekends depending on need and availability. 






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